Most daily asas related news are at:
فروغ تعلیم کے بغیر ملکی ترقی ناممکن ہے، شہبازشریف 27 Aug 2013 | 01:15 am
وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب محمد شہباز شریف نے کہا ہے کہ تعلیم ہی واحد راستہ ہے جس پر چل کر ملک و قوم کو ترقی اور خوشحالی کی راہ پر گامزن کیا جا سکتا ہے’پنجاب حکومت نے گزشتہ پانچ برس کے دوران صوبے میں فروغ تعلیم...
کیرالہ سیکٹر،پاکستان کا منہ توڑ جواب، 3بھارتی فوجی ہلاک 27 Aug 2013 | 01:14 am
پاک فوج نے بھارتی فوج کے لائن آف کنٹرول پر کیرالہ اورنکیال سیکٹر پر بلا اشتعال فائرنگ اور گولہ باری کا بھر پور جواب دیا ،دونوں اطراف سے گولی باری کا سلسلہ دو گھنٹوں تک جاری رہا ،پاک فوج نے بھارتی فوج ...
More daily asas related news:
Asas 11 Jul 2012 | 08:34 am
Asas – Daily Asas, Roznama Asas, Asas Akhbar Daily Asas (روزنامہ اساس) is one of the most widely read newspaper of Pakistan. a complete urdu newspaper with news from Pakistan and around the world. fo...
Araba tekerlekleri döndürme animasyonu 21 Apr 2012 | 04:39 am
Yandan görünümlü bir araba alalım asağıdaki gibi sonra ctrl+j ile kopyalıyalım ve sonra Filter/Blur/Radial Blur Değerler %50 yapın Blur Method: Spin’i secin Quality: Good’u secin ve ok. Aynı işl...
Daily Horoscope Aries Tuesday September 13 2011 13 Sep 2011 | 07:05 pm
Avoid at all costs to take hasty, ill-prepared decisions, under the spell of emotion or anger. Get rid of your bad habit to profit by family mealtime to reprimand your children. You'll tend to prove v...
Ellen Hilarious Sketch Groupon 5 Oct 2011 | 12:25 pm
src = http:/ / If anyone knows how to have fun, it’s Ellen and her staff – and in this hysterical clip comes Groupon daily specials for life in the funniest way...
Photo of the day: March 30, 2012 31 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
Photo of the Day is our daily feature displaying one Associated Press photo from somewhere around the world. The photos may be relevant to a local story, national story or just a stunning stan…
Photo of the day: March 29, 2012 30 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
Photo of the Day is our daily feature displaying one Associated Press photo from somewhere around the world. The photos may be relevant to a local story, national story or just a stunning stan…
The Best Ways To Get Savings From The Sun 16 May 2012 | 09:29 am
Summary: Green technology are popping up everywhere today, but someone might think that these solutions still cost a fortune and make increase the daily I know, today it’s hard to see money leave your...
How to Set Up a Standard User Account (or Limited Account) on Windows Vista and Windows 7 for Daily Use 27 Oct 2010 | 03:41 pm
Set up and use a standard user account for your daily activities (Internet surfing, etc) instead of working from an administrator account (which can put your computer at greater risk should anything g...
6 Alternatives to Toxic Deodorants 20 Aug 2010 | 05:45 am
6 Alternatives to Toxic Deodorants Why most deodorants stink—and six alternatives that work. Of all our daily grooming habits, swiping a deodorant stick or squirting antiperspirant under our arms m.....
SearchGuild Acquired By SEONews 28 Jan 2008 | 12:46 pm
Welcome Search Guilders! SearchGuild has been acquired by SEONews. I was personally a daily poster @ SG, and I was disappointed when SG was taken down because of hackers and inept hosting. Neverthel...