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The Coles 13 Jan 2012 | 10:47 pm
O poveste interesantă în Ziarul Financiar de azi. Mult mai multe amănunte și comentariile cititorilor pe articolul original din Daily Mail. Mai știe cineva ceva de Hauge?
A Cry For Help 4 Dec 2007 | 12:53 pm
Photo: WENN via CelebSlam Amy Winehouse looks like she's on the verge of a nervous break down. London's Daily Mail reports that a disheveled Amy appeared barefoot and half naked in the street outside...
Sharialag beivras av brittiska domstolar, inkl våldsbrott 28 Nov 2011 | 11:32 pm
The Daily Mail rapporterade (2008) om att brittiska domstolar ska beivra domar som fällts i shariadomstolarna i England. Det handlar oftast om civilrättsliga mål men har nu tydligen, föga förvånande, ...
What YOU should never discuss with Co-workers or Employees. The smart way to use voice mail. 9 May 2012 | 08:33 pm
Watch Video Blog Got a problem! News flash: Just about everybody does. My favorite techniques for dealing with problems, so you can keep your sanity and stay productive on the job.
Letter in Hindi 7 May 2012 | 08:19 pm
(Source: Daily Mail, May 4th, 2012) A woman has branded her daughter’s school as racist after she was sent a letter in Hindi - despite the fact she speaks English. Mother-of-three Raheela Ahmed insis...
‘Supermoon’ 22 Mar 2011 | 09:39 pm
There have been some ridiculous news stories over the so-called ‘Supermoon’ of 19th March 2011. Especially the irresponsible one by the Daily Mail suggesting the Tōhoku earthquake of 11th March was ca...
Banks in the dock for ‘£40m wills rip-off ’ 5 Apr 2011 | 08:56 am
Daily Mail, Thursday, February24, 2011 HIGH Street banks have agreed to review their will writing services amid fears that bereaved families are being overcharged by around £40million a year. Many b...
UK’s Daily Mail 6 Apr 2012 | 07:14 pm
It has been secretly boosting Hollywood’s most stylish women on the red carpet, now Pick-Me-Up is available in the UK For years it has been secretly boosting Hollywood’s most stylish women on the red...
Le fils de Bear Grylls sauve une fillette de la noyade à seulement 7 ans! 6 Aug 2011 | 03:18 am
Salut à tous, C’est dans un article du journal britannique Daily Mail qu’on apprend que le fils de Bear Grylls (l’ainé Steven) a sauvé une fillette de la noyade. Âgé de sept ans à peine, le garçon a...
Effects of better health habits can last – 30 May 2012 | 05:49 pm
Daily Mail Effects of better health habits can last CHICAGO, May 30 (UPI) -- People who spend fewer hours on the sofa also spent fewer hours snacking, US researchers determined. Lead author B...