Most dam levels cape town related news are at:

Welcome to Water Solutions 14 May 2012 | 11:06 pm
We are an official Water Rhapsody franchise in Cape Town, South Africa. Our aim is to provide the greater Cape Town area with easy to use, cost effective water conservation devices and solutions. Fr...
Rainwater 14 May 2012 | 06:50 pm
There is an undeniable romanticism involved when it comes to harvesting your own rainwater. The thought of watching it rain, knowing that you aren’t letting that precious resource go to waste. Knowing...
More dam levels cape town related news:
Simon’s Town water storage levels drop well below average for this time of year 15 Nov 2010 | 07:37 pm
The City of Cape Town appeals to Capetonians, and especially residents in the South Peninsula area known as the ‘Deep South’, to assist in conserving water – after low rainfall has left dam levels low...
Jobs - Mid-Senior Level PHP Developer Required 1 Mar 2010 | 10:00 am
We require mid-senior level PHP developers in Cape Town, please forward your CV to You have at least 3 years experience in PHP Development. No agencies please.
Work at Social Code – Mid-Level PHP Developer 5 Jun 2012 | 07:39 pm
ABOUT SOCIAL CODE Social Code is an innovative Cape Town based digital agency that offers a range of digital services including Social Media, Web and Mobile Design and Web and Mobile Development. So...
SAOTA designs Nettleton 198 house in Cape Town 2 Aug 2012 | 02:30 pm
Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects (SAOTA) has completed Nettleton 198, a seven-level home in Cape Town, South Africa.
German International School Cape Town inaugurates new state-of-the-art library 22 Apr 2013 | 03:10 pm
Today the German International School Cape Town celebrated the official opening of their new state-of-the-art two-level multimedia library as part of their 130th anniversary commemorations. The librar...
‘Earthy’ Cape Town water safe: city 10 Jul 2013 | 12:23 pm
“The water is perfectly fit for human consumption,” spokesman Peter Flower said in a statement. The taste and odour were caused by Geosmin in the Theewaterskloof Dam, from where the city drew its wat...
Pulse Research Releases Exciting New Service for Financial Traders 24 Jul 2013 | 01:12 pm
Cape Town, South Africa — Pulse Research, an independent macro-level fundamentals research and analysis company, has recently released a subscription service geared specifically towards forex, bond, s...
Bogota and Cape Town can learn from each other's initiatives 27 Aug 2013 | 12:17 pm
Cities, like people, can learn from each other. Fostering this exchange at an official level is important, but considerable resources lie untapped at the community level where resident-led initiatives...
New training dates ~ Cape Town THAI YOGA MASSAGE DIPLOMA - PRACTITIONER LEVEL 1st to 7th of April + 20th & 21st of April Final Practical: June, yet tbc THAI HERBAL COMPRESS MASSAGE TRAINING 1st &...
Thai Yoga Massage Diploma - Practitioner Level 31 Jul 2012 | 11:42 pm
Good Evening Cape Town! We are back after 2 warm months in Europe and happily back at work. Our September Thai Yoga Massage training is getting booked up fast so hurry, as we only have a few place...