Most dan jensen jeopardy reston related news are at:
– Restonian: News blog from Reston, Virginia, the mauve-colored New Town (tm)
On the YouTubes: We Watch the Reston Association Videos So You Don't Have To 27 Aug 2013 | 08:03 pm
Once again, we waited until the 11th hour to visit this, August's exciting installment of RA Today. And it seems that even RA Today gets caught up in the doldrums of the slow news time of late summer,...
Flashback Monday: (Almost) Back to School 26 Aug 2013 | 08:14 pm
Set the controls of the Earth-Toned Wayback Machine to 1971, where we can witness construction of yet another Reston elementary school, this one on the eastern edge of our earth-toned planned communit...