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日記「まさかの出来事」が投稿されました 27 Aug 2013 | 02:14 pm
お久しぶりです、ルシアです ずっと前から予約していたマルイM4届いたよ~と連絡あったんで秋葉原に向かいました 向かったんですが… 車って怖いっすね、歩行者の信号青で渡ってたら突っ込んできました 前方不注...
日記「金がないやつのCQCほるすたぁ~!!」が投稿されました 27 Aug 2013 | 01:49 pm
こんにちわ! この前のsofosさんとのサバゲ後、ハンドガンに70%くらい目覚めた自分は CQCホルスターが欲しいと思うようになりましたw しかし!相変わらず自分の財布は南極以上に寒いので、ここはいつもどおり! 「CQCホルスターを作...
More daniel defense related news:
Larry Vickers i Daniel Defense 2 Dec 2010 | 04:11 am
Pewnie już wszyscy to w necie widzieli ale co tam..nie szkodzi dla potomności zaznaczyć i tutaj. Znacie pewnie fimy Magpula i Pana Costy ? Teraz Larry Vikers były żołnierz Delta Force i właściciel fir...
Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 Review 13 Aug 2013 | 02:04 am
The Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 is a well-made, high quality AR-15 with excellent accuracy potential and a modest price that will attract many shooters. Founded at the beginning of the new millennium, Dan...
Arme de défense : la bombe lacrymogène 14 Jun 2011 | 12:57 am
La bombe lacrymogène est une arme de défense très efficace, utilisée pour neutraliser les agresseurs
Arme de défense : que choisir ? 4 Jun 2011 | 11:50 pm
Certains d'entre nous ne se sentent pas en sécurité, chez eux ou dans les rues de la ville, et la tentation de s'équiper d'une arme de défense est parfois très forte. Voici quelques éléments de choix
She Continues to Surf 25 Jul 2010 | 11:14 pm
Her name is Danielle Bert, her 25 years. She lives in San Diego (California) and, like all young people of her generation, tries to spend time actively and cheerfully. She loves to travel, enjoys extr...
OSM 2010: The Duke Blue Devils & Jennifer Hudson 7 Apr 2010 | 04:25 am
It was a long season, but ended perfectly with a close defensive contest, that was won by Duke by about a millimeter. It was a battle that should have led to two trophies given out, but alas....that's...
Precious wins 5 awards including Best Picture at Independent Spirit Awards 6 Mar 2010 | 07:20 pm
Precious won the best picture and Lee Daniels won the best director for Precious at 25th Film Independent Spirit Awards hosted by Eddie Izzard at LA Live in download Los Angeles. Precious, which wa....
Dui Attorney No Cost Related Article 24 May 2012 | 06:46 am
Paying having a robbery is actually a mind blowing proposition charter schools in austin convey fearing time in jail. To combat the costs and just listen to it which the defenses really are upheld in ...
52 Activities Cards 14 Oct 2010 | 09:00 pm
Rainy days. Long trips. Family get-togethers. Any time you’re cooped up with kids, you need a defense against the dreaded “I’m bored!” Enter 52 Activities Cards ($7), fun little card sets with all sor...
Last Line of Defense 23 May 2011 | 11:59 pm
Tu es la dernière ligne de défense contre l'invasion des zombies. Protège ton bunker et résiste aux assauts des zombies. Avec l'argent gagné, tu peux acheter de nouvelles armes, des munitions plus eff...