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Comic Solicitations for November, 2013. 15 Aug 2013 | 09:33 pm
Dark Horse: Comic Book Resources Newsarama DC: Comic Book Resources Newsarama Image: Comic Book Resources Comics Continuum Marvel: Comic Book Resources Newsarama Valiant: Newsarama
Dollhouse ‘EPITAPHS’ Comic Book Adaptation Cover 19 Dec 2010 | 12:38 pm
Here’s the cover for Dollhouse: Epitaphs – the comic book adaptation of the canceled series from Dark Horse Comics, apparently set to activate in March 2011. The description is as follows: Dollhouse...
Morning Links: Harry Potter, Sucker Punch, X-Men, Tarantino 30 Mar 2011 | 02:27 am
Joseph Gordon Levitt joins ‘Dark Knight Rises‘… but not as Falcone, Riddler maybe? Interview with Zack Snyder on the Sexuality and World of ‘Sucker Punch’ Comic book fans go nuts: X-Men 4, X-Men 5, ...
Recovering from a4The Dark Knighta4 29 Dec 2008 | 07:01 am
Everyone needs to chill out over “The Dark Knight.” Yes, it is a great movie and yes, it transcends the comic book genre. Unfortunately, 20 Vote(s)
5 Good Books To Read - Comic Books 7 Feb 2012 | 05:36 am
1. Midnight Nation by J. M. Straczynski To show my point, let's start with Midnight Nation, a dark and a bit religious comic book describing "the other world," a place where all forgotten and abandon...
Interview with Marjane Satrapi - Persepolis 21 Dec 2007 | 12:05 pm
Literary circles stood up and took notice when Marjane Satrapi released her comic book memoir Persepolis in 2003. In the book, Satrapi tells the story of her youth growing up in Iran, tackling complex...
The Dark Knight Rises Batman Movie – Is It Too Violent And Psychotic? 22 Jul 2012 | 04:45 am
The Dark Knight Rises Batman Movie – Is It Too Violent And Psychotic? You could make the argument that the Batman comic books and movies have always been a dark, psychotic franchise. However, with...
Smallville Season 11 Comic Book Welcomes Batman — and Nightwing! 15 Jun 2012 | 12:33 pm
For years Smallville fans clamored for a guest appearance by Batman. And they weren’t the only ones: Producers frequently tried to get the Dark Knight (or at least his alter ego, Bruce Wayne) to swing...
The Darkness II (Mac) Pre-Order Now Available! 11 Feb 2012 | 02:00 am
Inspired by the popular comic book series produced by Top Cow Productions, Inc., The Darkness II is an intense first person shooter that delivers a twisted and gripping narrative of tragedy, modern cr...
Interview with Marjane Satrapi - Persepolis 21 Dec 2007 | 07:05 am
Literary circles stood up and took notice when Marjane Satrapi released her comic book memoir Persepolis in 2003. In the book, Satrapi tells the story of her youth growing up in Iran, tackling complex...