Most dark eldar related news are at:

Leibgarde 27 Aug 2013 | 02:06 pm
Moin ! Ich hätte da mal ne kleine Frage undzwar ich würde gerne die Leibgarde spielen. Aber ich weis nicht mit welcher Ausrüstung mit den Schilden und Äxten oder mit den Sensen? Also was würde sich...
Suche Mitspieler für GURPS - Traveller in Kassel 27 Aug 2013 | 01:48 pm
Für meine geplante GURPS - Traveller-Spielrunde in Kassel suche ich noch 2-3 zuverlässige Mitspieler. Die Spielrunde soll wöchentlich am Dienstag von ca. 19:00-22:00 stattfinden. Wenn du 20+ Jahre alt...
More dark eldar related news:
Astro Mag Issue 8! 8 Feb 2011 | 07:33 pm
Hey guys, Astro Mag Issue 8 is out! Go download it, won't you? Also, apologies for the lack of activity. I have a lot of Dark Eldar sitting next to my desk waiting to be painted, but two labs this ...
Old Comics 8 Jan 2011 | 09:46 am
Hey guys, just a quick check in. Time is short, but my Dark Eldar are still in progress. I'm working on a project right now which is eating up a lot of time- I'm basically building a light controlle...
Dark Eldar Mandrake 31 Dec 2010 | 12:00 am
Sorry for taking so long on painting this stuff. A mix of being home for the holidays (and the required family events that ensue) and my odd urge to replay through Mass Effect 2 really created an unw...
Reaver Jetbikes 14 Dec 2010 | 01:00 am
So I'm thinking of strategies for my current Dark Eldar list (I want to hone everything before committing on too many models. Cash is tight!) and I realized that the Reavers aren't particularly great...
A Girl's 40k Problems 11 Dec 2010 | 06:11 pm
Ok, this gem is a bit to hilarious NOT to share. I was showing my girlfriend the Archon and Kabalite Warriors I recently bought for my upcoming Dark Eldar army and I asked her why she hasn't done any...
How to Magnetise the Dark Eldar Razorwing 15 Nov 2011 | 12:57 am
Right, about time for some tutorial! Dark Eldar Razorwings. Everyone loves the model. However it comes with a real ton of armament options and being a DE model it's all very flimsy thin and hard to dr...
Featured Content: Jan's Guide to Scratchbuilding a Razorwing 8 Dec 2010 | 07:29 am
After taking my time to let some of the approaches out there inspire me I finally began work on my own Razorwing. Games-Workshop decided to give most of the Dark Eldar units new german names instead ...
Featured Content: Dark Eldar Codex Breakdown (Part 2: Units) 17 Nov 2010 | 03:11 am
Now the Meat and potatoes, units! We well start with HQ’s and work our way down. Archon: The Big man on campus is back in this codex with improved stats from before for about the same points. Gaining...
Dark Eldar: Razorwing Fighter 21 Mar 2012 | 12:00 am
One of the first things that appealed to me about this new codex was the new addition of Jet Fighters. A long time realm of Forge World, it was a surprise to see a true aerospace fighter in an army co...
Dark Eldar: Incubi 18 Mar 2012 | 12:00 am
Along with Drazhar I put together a squad of Incubi for the army. I needed some more close combat nastiness that I could mount on a venom, and this unit was an effective choice. In addition I have onl...