Most darren aronofsky related news are at:

Tom Brady, Pats pour 59 on Colts in blowout - Tom Brady | NE 19 Nov 2012 | 05:32 am
Tom Brady completed 24-of-35 passes for 331 yards and three touchdowns in New England's 59-24, Week 11 blowout of the Colts.
Reece totals 193 yards on 23 touches in loss - Marcel Reece | OAK 19 Nov 2012 | 05:22 am
Marcel Reece rushed for 103 yards on 19 carries and caught four passes for 90 yards in Sunday's Week 11, 38-17 loss to the Saints.
More darren aronofsky related news:
Black Swan [FRENCH] [DVDRIP] 17 Oct 2011 | 06:20 am
Origine : U.S.A. Réalisateur : Darren Aronofsky Acteurs : Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel, Winona Ryder, Barbara Hershey Genre : Thriller, Fantastique, Drame Durée : 1h43min Date de s...
Download Requiem for a Dream 2000 Movie Free 24 Apr 2012 | 07:04 am
Director: Darren Aronofsky Starring: Ellen Burstyn , Jared Leto , Jennifer Connelly Requiem for a Dream 2000 High Quality DVDRIP Movie Free Download
Black Swan 30 Jan 2011 | 05:14 am
I suppose that many of you have heard or read about the latest creation from the American director Darren Aronofsky, the long awaited and very much acclaimed psychological thriller Black Swan. I must ...
CISNE NEGRO (BLACK SWAN, DARREN ARONOFSKY, 2010) 24 Feb 2011 | 11:30 am
Darren Aronofsky Darren Aronofsky nació el 12 de febrero de 1969 en Brooklyn, Nueva York. De ascendencia judío – polaca. Con anterioridad a su carrera en el mundo de los largos, haría tres cortometraj...
Requiem por un Sueño - Una BSO en homenaje póstumo. 24 Feb 2008 | 12:39 pm
La penúltima entrada de este blog me gustaría que fuera especial. Y creo que el mejor homenaje musical que puedo ofrecerle a mi blog es este genial tema del film de Darren Aronofski. Réquiem por un su...
The Wrestler 8 Feb 2009 | 01:44 pm
Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler (dir. Darren Aronofsky, 2008). Mickey Rourke has never been one of my favorite actors, and it's odd that this stale dirty-realist draaaaama should show him to best advan...
Darren Aronofsky and Russell Crowe Board the Ark For ‘Noah’ in July | /Film 22 Mar 2012 | 03:30 am
Good news all around, it would appear that Aronofsky is bracing himself to bring us that epic he always dreamt about. Here is to every movie he has ever made thus far, serving to mak...
Denver Film Critics Society 2011 Award Winners 29 Jan 2011 | 08:46 am
The Denver Film Critics Society is proud to announce our winners for the 2011 DFCS Awards. Best Film: The Social Network, directed by David Fincher Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky Blue Va...
Denver Film Critics Society 2011 Award Nominations 15 Jan 2011 | 08:46 am
The Denver Film Critics Society is proud to announce our nominees for the 2011 DFCS Awards. Winners will be announced on January 28, 2011. Best Film: Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky Blue V...
Cisne Negro 13 Feb 2011 | 09:37 am
Se traçarmos um paralelo entre os quatro filmes anteriores que compõem a curta filmografia do diretor Darren Aronofsky e o seu último, “Cisne Negro”, é possível identificarmos alguns aspectos ressonan...