Most data uri in firefox related news are at:

Landing Proxify 7 Feb 2013 | 04:28 am
I am really happy to announce the first release of proxify. I started writing this tool several years ago but I was never able to finished it. The first release (version 1.0) is now available for down...
Fuzzing XML and JSON Pt.1 13 Dec 2012 | 04:47 pm
It is hard to get back to blogging especially when there are easier alternatives to scratch your itch – I am talking about twitter. However, I decided to make the effort and see where it takes me. It ...
More data uri in firefox related news:
画像からdata URI Schemeに変換するツール 16 Apr 2012 | 02:38 pm
data URIを使いまくってる皆様こんにちは、@poyosiです。 画像からdata URI Schemeに簡単に変換するツールを自分用に作ってみました。この手のツールは他に沢山ありますが、よろしければ使ってみてください。 dataURI converter | 画像をdata URI Schemeに変換するツール
Introducing Spritebaker 21 Jul 2010 | 10:27 pm
Over time Data URI Sprites have more and more become an indispensable tool for my work. For the rookies: data URI-sprites is the name of the method to encode all kind of binary resources to base64 and...
JSON to CSV 2 Jun 2011 | 07:23 am
I created a helper a few months back that used DATA URIs to download JSON to CSV, but due to IE’s implementation of DATA URIs (or lack of), it does not work for IE (all versions). Here is the same hel...
Cara Mendapatkan Password Facebook | Hack Facebook 20 Feb 2011 | 10:26 am
PasswordFox, adalah sebuah software utility kecil yang berfungsi untuk mengungkap detil data-data yang disimpan Firefox seperti tersebut diatas dan menampilkannya untuk kita. Beberapa orang menyebutny...
Automated Data:URI CSS Sprites 14 Dec 2008 | 06:57 pm
Recently I found another interesting service: DURIS (Data URI Sprites). This is an automated solution for building Data:URI CSS Sprites for background images. Basically you provide a page URL, then t...
Twitter Avatar Portraits 2 Aug 2011 | 04:29 pm
Some generative Canvas magic, with a little help from the Twitter API and YQL's instant-data-URI converter. To try it out, enter your Twitter nickname down there where you see mine, which is kentbrew....
Instant Data URIs 24 Jun 2011 | 03:29 am
If you're using a browser (currently Firefox 3.6 or better) that understands what to do about the FileReader function, you should be able to drag files to the drop zone, below, and immediately see the...
تسريع تحميل الصفحة باستخدام data URI 10 Dec 2009 | 07:30 pm
لعل أحد أهم النصائح لتحسين سرعة تحميل صفحات الويب هي التقليل من معدل طلبات HTTP للخادم، في الواقع، هذه النصيحة هي أول نصائح ياهوو لأفضل الممارسات لتسريع المواقع. كلما قلت الطلبات على خادم الموقع، كلما...
CSS Data URIs – Use Them In All Browsers Now! 11 Nov 2010 | 07:30 am
Data URIs are one of the best techniques in CSS, allowing developers to avoid referencing external images and instead embed them directly into a stylesheet. The main advantage of this approach is to s...
Easy To Use Image Placeholder jQuery Plugin 20 Jul 2012 | 06:04 pm
Holder is a client-side image placeholder library that uses and the data URI scheme to render placeholders entirely in browser. It works both online and offline, and offers a chainable API to style an...