Most david bowie golden years related news are at:

Patrice – The Rising of the Son 27 Aug 2013 | 11:47 am
Die aufgehende Sonne konnte man mit Patrice am frühen Morgen des 21. August in Hamburg an der „Strandperle“ erleben (Foto siehe unten). Nicht die schlechteste PR-Aktion, die er auch in einigen anderen...
Susanne Blech – Helmut Kohl EP 27 Aug 2013 | 11:39 am
Susanne Blech wollen überhaupt nichts aussagen. Sänger Timon Karl Kaleyta wehrt sich vehement gegen Botschaften in Songs, die viele Bands an die Außenwelt vermitteln möchten. Während er das klarstellt...
More david bowie golden years related news:
DAVID BOWIE Where We Are Now? (New Single 2013) 9 Jan 2013 | 06:43 am
Happy Birthday David Bowie - 66 Years old today. -- New album out in March. DAVID BOWIE Where We Are Now? (New Single 2013) from Videodrome Discothèque on Vimeo.
Dave Bing Volume 2 18 Dec 2010 | 04:01 am
This year's Holiday party is at Leopold's Books. Tonight!!! at 7 pm. Come as David Bowie or Bing Crosby, but don't come as Bill Cosby because that one doesn't really work. I tried last year. Damn, it'...
David Bowie - Cat People - Gasoline 22 Sep 2009 | 06:55 am
See these eyes so green I can stare for a thousand years Colder than the moon It's been so long And I've been putting out fire With gasoline See these eyes so red Red like jungle burning bright Thos...
I never thought I'd need so many people 28 Oct 2012 | 07:00 pm
FIVE YEARS Há um tempo atrás comecei a ler a biografia de David Bowie, por Marc Spitz. Bom livro. Bem redigido. Cuidadoso. Eis que então nas primeiras páginas é possível ler... "Para todos aqueles q...
English Radio Costa Del Sol – David Bowie Returns With First New Music in 10 Years 9 Jan 2013 | 04:21 pm
David Bowie celebrated his 66th birthday this morning with a surprise for everyone else: he broke a long musical silence with the new single “Where Are We Now?” from a forthcoming album, The Next Day,...
Exhibitions Worth the Trip: David Bowie is 11 Feb 2013 | 01:07 pm
Album cover shoot for Aladdin Sane. Image: © Duffy Archive. 2013 just may be the year of David Bowie. Not only does he have a new album coming out, but he also has a retrospective this year at the Vi...
David Bowie 2 Apr 2013 | 06:32 am
You may have heard that David Bowie released a new album this past month - his first in ten years. It's called The Next Day. As a devout Bowie worshipper (certified as such by my past subscription to ...
David Bowie: Let’s Dance SACD-R ***REPOST*** 10 Jul 2013 | 11:26 am
Year: 1983 Label: EMI America Genre: Rock Format: SACD-R Source: 2 Channel Reel To Reel Tape SACD Layer: Stereo CD Layer: None 1. Modern Love 2. China Girl 3. Let’s Dance 4. Without You 5. ...
Peter Gabriel Scratched a Few Backs, Now Bon Iver, Arcade Fire, Others Return the Favor 25 Jul 2013 | 06:38 pm
It has been four years since Peter Gabriel released Scratch My Back, his 15th studio album and one on which he covered songs by Lou Reed, Bon Iver, Arcade Fire, David Bowie and others. Well, Peter Gab...
Die 90er – mein “Golden Years” der Musik 14 Aug 2013 | 10:25 am
Beim Spotify T-Piloten Blog wurde gefragt, was mein persönliches Jahrzehnt der Musikgeschichte war. Die 90er – kurz nachdem David Hasselhoff die Berliner Mauer mit Looking for Freedom nieder gesungen...