Most david dukes related news are at:

The Next Big Lie and the Next War: This Time Syria! 27 Aug 2013 | 03:47 am
America’s ultra-Zionist Secretary of State, John Kerry, (Kohen) has pronounced Syria guilty of using poison gas in Damascus against a rebel area. President Obama has already stated that any use of poi...
Orthodox Jews Turning America’s Largest City into Shetl 26 Aug 2013 | 02:55 pm
The dramatic growth in New York City’s orthodox Jewish population is turning America’s largest city into a Jewish shetl—like never before. Not content with determining the outcome of the next New Yor...
More david dukes related news:
The Future of the Europeans and their Culture, by Dr. David Duke 18 Jun 2011 | 10:35 pm
“The Future of the Europeans and their Culture” A Presentation by Dr. David Duke at the two day seminar “Revolt Against Civilization” hosted by the Danish Society for Free Historical Research. Denmar...
Open Primary Consequences 23 Jul 2012 | 10:37 pm
Remember David Duke, the Ku Klux Klan grand wizard in Louisiana? He is what you can get in an open primary. Louisiana has a completely open primary system. In the 1991 governor’s race, David Duke was...
Hey speaking of AlQuds day - how about dinner at a Toronto Rec Centre to celebrate our hatred of Israel? 14 Aug 2012 | 06:07 am
These people must just sit back and laugh at the stupidity of Westerners. Well well well CASMO, our local Muslim David Duke Aficionados are putting on an Al-Quds Day Dinner at The Centennial Recreati...
The Obama-Romney Election from Hell 30 Oct 2012 | 08:39 am
Another insightful video by Dr. David Duke. In this one, Dr. Duke explains how the next presidential election is under the control of Zionist-controlled Hollywood and Wall Street...M
Le role des juifs dans l’esclavage par David Duke 9 Jan 2013 | 11:54 am
Afrique noire : Ses gens ont combien de milliards de morts sur les mains depuis plusieurs siècles ?????? David Duke décrit la censure des médias concernant ses révélations sur le rôle dominant des Jui...
Zionist Matrix of Power Over The West. 13 Feb 2013 | 11:22 pm
David Duke tells the truth.
Il giornalista americano più famoso espone il complotto sionista 15 May 2013 | 12:47 am
Il giornalista americano più famoso espone il complotto sionista Pubblicato da David Duke in data 09/mag/2013 (Attivare sottotitoli) {jcomments on}
300mm is the new 200mm! 15 Aug 2013 | 12:10 am
300mm is the new 200mm, said GlobalFoundries’ David Duke, during a presentation titled ‘Used Equipment Market’ at the recently held Semicon West 2013 in San Francisco, USA. Used semiconductor equipmen...
When Dr Duke Blitzed CNN’s Zionist Agent Wolf Blitzer Live on International TV! 26 Aug 2013 | 12:58 pm
In December 2006, Dr. David Duke attended a conference in Teheran, Iran, called to discuss the Holocaust and its uses in modern Zionism. The openlyl Zionist Supremacist agent Wolf Blitzer, a former AI...
The Talmudic Roots of Jewish Supremacism 20 Aug 2013 | 09:24 am
by Dr. David Duke “When I first read extensive sections of the Talmud, even with the Jewish published translations in front of me, I did not want to believe they were authentic. I approached another J...