Most dawkins pz blog comment related news are at:
– Athanatos Christian Apologetics Ministry - The homepage for Anthony Horvath's defense of the Christian faith...
California Eugenics and the Devil’s Schemes 9 Jul 2013 | 01:33 am
It may seem hard for some of us to learn that Planned Parenthood submitted abortion on demand as a population control measure, and was even willing to consider compelling women to get abortions, but t...
Trucker Hours of Service Changes A Nightmare Come True 1 Jul 2013 | 10:02 am
The old HOS were an unwieldy instrument that didn't actually facilitate me being ready and rested in time for a long drive, and often prevented me from driving when I was actually alert and ready to g...
More dawkins pz blog comment related news:
Rape Culture 15 Aug 2013 | 05:58 am
I recently visited a place I kind of forgot about. Free thought blogs. I had originally tried out commenting on a post by PZ, and quickly found that it was not a place for rational discussion, or even...