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Q-Eye Loads 31 million of records in 4 seconds 5 Aug 2013 | 04:18 pm
Today we have not only a great news but the one we are proud of, As you can see from the screenshots below our QVD Editor Q-Eye is incredible fast now: it loads 31 million of records in 4 seconds, Th...
Majour Perfomance Boost 22 Jul 2013 | 03:07 pm
New versions of Advanced ETL Procesor and Visual Importer ETL are available for download. The most important thing about this release that it is much faster now and we know how to make it even faster...
More db software laboratory related news:
Lab Software – Success key to the Laboratory Business 2 Jun 2011 | 10:13 pm
Lab Software Laboratory Licensure: Technically there should not be need of a lab softwar, in order to apply and obtain the required State Licensure to perform the day to day analysis of patient speci...
Inside a Secret Software Laboratory: An Ethnographic Study of a Global Software Package Producer 3 Sep 2012 | 02:10 pm
How does one of the world’s biggest Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) suppliers develop software? How do Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and Co really work? Christine Grimm presents a first-hand account of a ...
Inside a Secret Software Laboratory: An Ethnographic Study of a Global Software Package Producer 3 Sep 2012 | 02:10 pm
How does one of the world’s biggest Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) suppliers develop software? How do Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and Co really work? Christine Grimm presents a first-hand account of a ...
Sejarah CorelDRAW 15 Sep 2011 | 01:10 pm
COREL (Cowpland Research Laboratory) CorelDRAW adalah software pembuat grafik vektor yang mana dikembangkan dan dipasarkan oleh Corel Corporation di Ottawa, Kanada. Versi terakhir dari CorelDRAW adal...
Welcome to The Macro Laboratory! 29 Aug 2009 | 11:31 pm
Welcome to The MacroLab, RnD laboratory of macros and bots for use with EVE Online! Here at Macro Lab our mission is to provide you with software products that help you deal with the sometimes demand...
English Language Lab,Language Lab Software,Digital Language Lab,Language lab 30 May 2012 | 10:57 pm
Digital Language Lab is a latest technology Software Solution for Communication.Skills Laboratory Provides Digital Language lab System,Digital Library Software and eLearning Software in India
Interactive Language Technology from IBM 14 Jul 2008 | 08:19 pm
IBM’s India Research Laboratory has a web-based software that initially was developed for a call center in India to raise its agent’s English proficiency. The tool seems to be like a real time online...
How to clone a schema in MySQL 12 Aug 2009 | 02:10 am
Today I needed to clone a schema in MySQL: simply I upgraded my monitoring software Zabbix and thus I needed to “upgrade” also the DB schema where Zabbix saves data. As this is a destructive operation...
DBeaver il database manager universale! 29 Sep 2011 | 01:45 am
Ogni sviluppatore sa quanto è importante avere nella propria cassetta degli attrezzi un valido software di interrogazione e gestione delle base di dati. Generalmente ogni db vendor propone la sua sol...
No te olvides de la maria db 17 May 2012 | 06:52 am
Votos: 3.0/5 (2 votos) $ cat "[old] No te olvides la MariaDB.txt" En el mundillo de las empresas de software libre española, no todas, hay dos especies bien diferenciadas: - Los enchaquetados y mocas...