Most dd iced coffee monday related news are at:

7 Kiddie Pool Uses After Summer 27 Aug 2013 | 06:19 am
Summer is slipping away, and even though you may still be sweating under the hot August sun, fall’s cool breezes will be here in just a month… and you know you’ll be seeing the pumpkin & autumn-themed...
Best Coupons from Sunday Washington Post Inserts 8/25/13 25 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
Wondering what coupons are in the Sunday Washington Post coupon inserts (August 25, 2013 edition)? There are 2 coupon inserts today: 1 Smart Source & 1 Red Plum From the Smart Source: Over $72-worth...
More dd iced coffee monday related news:
DIY Iced Coffee for Summer 14 Jun 2013 | 06:32 am
Summer is here! There’s no better pick-me-up for those sluggish Monday mornings than a delicious iced coffee to start the day. But don’t bother stopping at Starbucks on your morning commute; iced coff...
BG12345: Monday 26 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
Good Morning, Blinders! Let’s start your week with two things that will get you going! First, a delicious cup of iced coffee served up by Taylor Swift. Then a BG12345. Did you watch the VMAs last n...
meeting time! 7 Apr 2011 | 06:31 am
on monday mornings, we have very important meetings, where we make plans like how much coffee we’ll be drinking that day, what to have for lunch, and if we’ll have ice cream or popcorn for an afernoon...
July Coffee Rotation 9 Jul 2013 | 09:00 pm
HERE’S A ROSTER OF WHAT YOU CAN FIND ON THE COFFEE BAR FOR JULY: Mondays: Brazil Select, Ice Cream Float, B-52, Cinnamon Gingerbread, Decaf Brazilian Santos Dark, Decaf Cinnamon Pecan Pie, African Ble...