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Student’s First Day In The New School 22 Aug 2013 | 02:01 am
In spite of the fog, they came. By 8:00, the halls of Delmarva Christian High School were abuzz with friends reconnecting with friends, teachers greeting students, and the whole DCHS family simply exc...
Ninth Graduation Class 1 Aug 2013 | 08:17 am
On Friday, May 24, Delmarva Christian High School celebrated their ninth graduation ceremony as 43 seniors crossed the stage to receive their diplomas. “The Lord has blessed us in so many ways,” said...
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2012 3 Mar 2012 | 09:50 pm
Tu connais l'Atelier Décosculpt' Art ? Découvre les oeuvres de Christian Duvette et Edwige Fouque de Saint-Folquin. Dim 19 Fevrier Concert d'avant bande des M2B aux 4 écluses. Réunion d'avant bal en...
La nueva chica Dior - Mila Kunis 7 Jan 2012 | 01:00 am
Mila Kunis es la nueva imagen de Christian Dior. La vamos a ver en la campaña de bolsos Miss Dior de esta temporada primavera/verano fotografiada por Mikael Jansson. Desde la casa francesa están encan...
International Christian School ,HongKong 3 May 2012 | 12:29 am
About ICS is a non-profit, “through-train” school providing Christ-centered education for students from Pre-Grade 1 through Grade 12 at the Shek Mun campus and a Kindergarten at the Fo Tan campus. I...
From the Author 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm
The Judah Bible Curriculum for Christian schools and homeschools is a Principle Approach curriculum for Bible class designed to help you, the parent or teacher, build into yourself and your student...
Last Move 12 Feb 2012 | 02:22 am
Who knew I'd end up in IPEKA International Christian School? Guess what? I myself am still baffled. There is a burning thought/story in my mind right now that I'm actually dying to share with the who...
Impress.js: espectacular sistema de creación de presentaciones en CSS3 inspirado en Prezi 5 Jan 2012 | 06:45 am
Gracias a un tweet de Christian Heilmann he descubierto Impress.js, una librería para crear presentaciones inspirada en Prezi pero que utiliza solamente CSS3, Javascript y HTML. Los efectos y animacio...
Trucs et conseils de la couturière avisée:Christian Dior 10 Jun 2011 | 01:30 am
Tailleur Bar de Christian Dior-Jupe à plis plats Pièce maitresse de sa collection Printemps-été 1947 Truc 28 Q.Cet ensemble ce nomme Tailleur bar. Elle est faite de crêpe de laine et de soie s...
PARTO DE MOEMA 7 Mar 2012 | 10:30 am
O encontro de quinta-feira deve ter sido realmente inspirador. O relato de Christian e seu esposo foi muito marcante, mas eu nunca esperaria por mais um parto quase em casa, quase no carro, acontecend...
Parto de Christian 2 Mar 2012 | 02:00 am
Hoje às 17:40h nasceu Sara, filha de Christian e Eber. O casal foi a todos os encontros do grupo. Casados há 19 anos, tiveram a primeira filha. O primeiro telefonema foi ontem 23h, contrações fortes a...
De Tweemaster School in Nieuwleusen, Holland 9 Apr 2011 | 01:27 am
Krista van der Perk's eleven-year-old students in class 7 at the De Tweemaster School did some great work making models of their favorite New7Wonders candidates.