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惡靈古堡類型-殭屍射擊多人線上版 - Dead Frontier Online基本教學 21 Feb 2009 | 06:09 am
iPlay99一直很喜歡像惡靈古堡系列這種有槍枝武器、各種殭屍怪物的遊戲,那恐怖的氛圍,暗夜中低沉的呻吟,撲面而來、殺之不盡的殭屍怪物,啊啊啊,刺激啊~ 如果你也喜歡這種獵殺殭屍類型的遊戲,那這款 Dead Frontier Online Zombie MMO,你一定要試試! 註:遊戲中的場景、音效,可能不適合膽小的玩家,請確認可以承受再玩喔~ Dead Frontier Online 操作...
Dead Frontier: Outbreak 3 16 Oct 2012 | 01:56 pm
As announced on the Dead Frontier Development Blog, Dead Frontier: Outbreak 3 is on its way, possibly this month! That is great news for any online zombie killer! The new Dead Frontier: Outbreak game...
死亡天堂2 25 Aug 2013 | 10:09 am
内容也承接前作,主角继续驾驶着自己的机枪跑车寻找理想中的天堂。这次你面对的敌人要比前作强劲得多,总共24关,足够大家好好消磨时间了! 开始游戏 → 猜你喜欢: 死亡天堂 Dead Paradise 死亡轮距 Dead Tread 死亡蠕虫圣诞版 Effing Worms Xmas 死亡小镇 DEAD TOWN 死亡边缘2 Dead Frontier Outbreak 2 无觅
Dead Frontier, browser game tra horror e azione! 18 Aug 2013 | 04:05 am
Dead Frontier è un browser game in stile horror dove dovremo sopravvivere all'oscura avanzata di un'invasione zombie! Dead Frontier è ambientato in un lontano futuro post-apocalittico letteralmente in...
死亡天堂2 25 Aug 2013 | 10:09 am
内容也承接前作,主角继续驾驶着自己的机枪跑车寻找理想中的天堂。这次你面对的敌人要比前作强劲得多,总共24关,足够大家好好消磨时间了! 开始游戏 → 猜你喜欢: 死亡天堂 Dead Paradise 死亡轮距 Dead Tread 死亡蠕虫圣诞版 Effing Worms Xmas 死亡小镇 DEAD TOWN 死亡边缘2 Dead Frontier Outbreak 2 无觅
死亡天堂2 25 Aug 2013 | 10:09 am
内容也承接前作,主角继续驾驶着自己的机枪跑车寻找理想中的天堂。这次你面对的敌人要比前作强劲得多,总共24关,足够大家好好消磨时间了! 开始游戏 → 猜你喜欢: 死亡天堂 Dead Paradise 死亡轮距 Dead Tread 死亡蠕虫圣诞版 Effing Worms Xmas 死亡小镇 DEAD TOWN 死亡边缘2 Dead Frontier Outbreak 2 无觅
. . . . Ciao, pluvian troat 6 Sep 2007 | 08:55 pm
The king is dead. No, not that king, this one. Luciano’s fight is over. Never again shall his voice fill our ears and hearts. He has become a legend and shall be heard in the booming of thunder, in t...
Income Reports are dead. Long live Progress Reports! 10 Apr 2012 | 10:47 pm
Some big changes are coming. As most of you could notice there was no Income Report on my blog since the beginning of the year. There are many reasons that have stopped me from publishing my total mon...
Конец света / Крах / Collapse / Collapse of the Living Dead (2010) HDRip 30 May 2012 | 05:54 pm
Информация о фильме Название: Конец света / Крах Оригинальное название: Collapse / Collapse of the Living Dead Год выхода: 2010 Жанр: Ужасы,Триллер Режиссер: Джейсон Боллинжер / Jason Bolinger, Майк С...
Dead Island the buggiest game i’ve ever played 28 Sep 2011 | 10:28 pm
Bugs are common on every software and that’s including games, but a bug that caused me to not be able to load my saved game? this is the first time ever i experienced such thing. The reason for this, ...