Most dear god related news are at:

A Frightening River 14 May 2013 | 06:34 pm
Take a closer look at this living river in Java, Indonesia
The Desert Highway in China 9 May 2013 | 06:11 pm
This 343 miles (552km) highway runs through the Tarim desert on Takla Makan, China. To protect the road from the sand, they have planted vegetation on either side of the road and built a huge irrigati...
More dear god related news:
Try Again 29 Mar 2010 | 06:45 am
Try Again The little plans I tried to carry have failed O’Dear God. But, I will not sorrow. I will pause a little while and try again tomorrow. Try Again Share with Friends
All in the family... 27 Dec 2011 | 03:38 pm
Dear God, It's me. Are you there? Are you listening? The door is closed and locked. The lights are turned off. I'm laying in my bed, listening to all the children playing right outside the door of m...
Charlie, God, and the Pregnant Pause 24 Mar 2012 | 04:06 am
Dear God, If there was ever a week a woman needed a straight jacket, it would be this week of my life. We’ve suffered heartache after heartache. Tears have fallen until there were no more tears left ...
Where is that wall for me to smash my head against? 5 Apr 2010 | 03:04 am
Oh dear god I have become boring. I have nothing to write, nothing to report, nothing interesting happening in my life. Rehearsals have gone full swing and I am dying with that and work. The prospe...
Free Downloads Musik Khusus Hp 3 Jan 2009 | 05:56 pm
Disini anda bisa mendownload musik khusus hp karena ukuran file-nya kecil jadi cocok untuk hp anda. Nidji ManusiaSempurna Nidji Bila Aku Jatuh Cinta Nidji Child Avenged Seven Fold Dear God Avenged Se...
RELAX AND PRAY 13 Jun 2011 | 06:14 pm
Dear God, I Beg You! Give me the wisdom to understand my boss. Give the love to forgive him. Give me the patience to understand his deeds. But dearest God, don't give me the power Because if You ...
2 6 Mar 2012 | 07:48 am
dear God, We all know that money CAN'T in any way buy happiness. But sadly it seems that the world is saying otherwise. This is very unfortunate :'( Sincerely yours, Umi.
AVENGED SEVENFOLD - DEAR GOD A lonely road, crossed another cold state line Miles away from those I love Purpose hard to find While I recall all the words you spoke to me Can't help but wish that I w...
Safe in the storm 12 Nov 2010 | 05:39 am
Outside is a very old battle going on.. inside is it safe and warm. Thank you dear God! And I know who is gonna I'm gonna enjoy this nice feeling of safety and warm house.
endless summer. 29 Jul 2011 | 12:53 pm
dear god when i said to myself that i needed a break from online life i didn’t realize that it would be a month later and that half of the summer would be gone. i still have a good three weeks before ...