Most death korps related news are at:

291st in Rest and Refit 9 Feb 2013 | 03:34 pm
In my little world it is currently 748.M41, at this time the 291st have been rotated off of the hell world that is Praxedes IV and send to the Forgeworld of IronHeart elsewhere in the Tortuga Reaches ...
Tour of the Battle of Loos 5 Oct 2012 | 05:27 pm
Six divisions of British army were thrown in to loos against two German divisions. In less than one months operations the British took an estimated 50,000 casualties; the Germans took half that. Stand...
More death korps related news:
I’m Not Dead, Yet! 29 Apr 2010 | 07:01 am
Just a minor update, I have been painting my Ultramarines for a local Paint or Die competition we are having at A-Club. I am still assembling Death Korps models, in fact I am working a way to get the...
IXX Company: Artillery 2 Nov 2011 | 06:11 pm
The 19th Company of the Death Korps of Krieg is beginning to take shape. The part you really can't appreciated from this is that I am planning on modelling the crew for each tube. That will give 8 cre...
Project: Earthshaker 28 Oct 2011 | 06:18 pm
I'm gonna make me a battery of three EarthShakers, I need to have 2 of these in order to fill out the TOG of IXX Company of the 291st Death Korps Krieg. Thats a total of 6 Tubes This is going to be in...
Bromley Doubles Tournament 24 Jan 2011 | 09:25 am
Just played a doubles tournament with 'The Good the Bad the Bromley' My second was Death Jester with his Eldar, me with my Death Korps of Krieg. 1000Points Each. We played three very friendly games:...
Köpes/Säljes/Bytes: figurspel | Re: [Säljes]Målning utföres - Uppdrag sökes! 12 Aug 2012 | 08:46 am
En liten uppdatering till mina kommande Death Korps. Company CommandSquad: Leman Russ Executioner "old number twelve": ...
IA12 Death Korps Assault Brigade in der Testversion 27 Jul 2013 | 01:01 pm
Die Death Korps of Krieg Assault Brigade wurde in den OnlineCodex übernommen und kann in der Testversion geprüft werden. Zusätzlich wurden Einheiten für die Necrons aus dem IA12 hinzugefügt oder aktu...
Überarbeitetes Death Korps Siege Regiment in der Testversion 25 Jul 2013 | 12:51 pm
Das Death Korps Siege Regiment wurde überarbeitet entsprechend dem Update im Forgeworld Download-Bereich. Die Änderungen können in der Testversion geprüft werden. Zusätzlich wurden Einheiten für ver...
Saturday Fluff: Fan Fiction 21 Feb 2013 | 09:13 am
Saturday Fluff: When Six and I first started playing 40K, it really kick-started our creative juices. Six really kicked it into high-gear, writing four chapters fleshing out his Death Korps of Kriegs ...
Steve Jobs, 1955 - 2011 7 Oct 2011 | 06:41 am
We at Google were shocked and saddened yesterday to hear about the death of Steve Jobs. Steve's work has inspired and delighted many of us for decades, and we will miss him. Please read Larry and Ser...
Will User Opt-Out Be the Death of Google Analytics? 26 Mar 2010 | 12:26 am
Just a few days ago, Google announced they will soon be releasing a plugin to allow users to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics. I don’t know about you but as a webmaster I think any website...