Most death metal 2011 related news are at:

Blodwen – When Autumn Ends 15 Aug 2013 | 07:45 am
Band: Blodwen Di bentuk pada tahun: 2004 Album: When Autumn Ends Tanggal Rilis: 30 Agustus 2013 Type: EP Negara: Indonesia (Jakarta) Genre: Symphonic / Neoclassical Power Metal Blodwen dalam bahasa We...
Katatonia – Dethroned and Uncrowned 13 Aug 2013 | 04:47 am
Band: Katatonia Di bentuk pada tahun: 1991 Di kenal juga sebagai: Melancholium (1987-1991) Album: Dethroned and Uncrowned Tanggal Rilis: 09 September 2013 Type: Full Length Album Negara: Sweden (Stock...
More death metal 2011 related news:
Et toi, t'as quoi dans ton iPod ? #10 14 Mar 2009 | 02:47 am
New Found Glory, Eagles of Death Metal, Propagandhi, Mastodon... mais aussi Queen et Run DMC. Voilà ce que j'ai dans mon iPod en ce moment. Du gros metal qui tâche au hip-hop old school, une petite mi...
APOCALYPSE DEATHFEST VII. 27 Nov 2009 | 11:47 am
APOCALYPSE DEATHFEST VII. ENTOMBED (SWE), MERAUDER (USA), DEVIOUS (NL), SUBURBAN TERRORIST (SVK) ŽILINA (BOONKER CLUB /bývalý Kozel/) 14. 12. 2009 - 18:00 // 19:00 Švédsky death metal... pojem, ktorý...
Нова пісня від MAN MUST DIE 14 May 2009 | 09:00 am
Шотландський technical death metal колектив MAN MUST DIE опублікував на своїй офіційній Myspace-сторінці пісню "Kill It, Skin It, Wear It", яка буде включена в новий альбом "No Tolerance For Imperfect... 10 Jul 2010 | 02:36 am
Artist : Aborted Album : The Purity Of Perversion Year : 1999 Genre : Death Metal Country : Belgium Tracklist : 1. Intro 00:57 2. Act of Supremacy 02:43 3. The Lament Configuration 04:49...
Asmodée - Black Drop Journey (EP) 10 Jul 2010 | 02:23 am
Artist : Asmodée Album : Black Drop Journey Year : 2007 Genre : Death Metal Country : France Tracklist : 1. Black Drop Journey 04:33 2. Le naufrage de l'espoir 01:19 3. Own life code 05:...
Marilyn Manson To Form A New Death-Metal Band For His Upcoming Horror-flick “Splatter Sisters”!!! 30 May 2010 | 02:21 am
Manson’s role in his new film calls him for a new band! This is what the producer of Pressman said at Cannes: “Marilyn is a death metal rocker, which is a different kind of music than he’s known for....
Night Crawler 24 Apr 2012 | 04:32 am
This is a tribute to my first cat Night Crawler who I lost in death October 2011. He was a kind, gentle, loving and affectionate cat. I miss him dearly, please send this to anyone who has lost a pet
Top Metal Band to Perform in Margate (29 April) 7 Mar 2012 | 04:45 am Originally from Durban, playing gigs above the Winston Pub & Burn Night Club, this Groove Death Metal Band has been growling its way onto the local me...
Дэвид Джаффе: новая игра студии Eat Sleep Play может стать шутером 15 May 2012 | 01:00 am
Дэвид Джаффе (David Jaffe), который является главным разработчиком в команде Eat Sleep Play, создавший успешные игровые серии God of War и Twisted Metal (недавно вышедший Twisted Metal 2011, получивши...
Why Should I Get Apple Iphone? 8 Oct 2011 | 04:20 am
Late Apple Iphone Creator And Founder Steve Jobs Since Apple iphone was introduced by Steve Jobs, there has been a tremendous response and even more so after his death in 2011. Other than mobile ...