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Blind Spot Series: Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins 27 Aug 2013 | 04:05 am
Most of the films I have spoken about so far in this series are either all time classics or more recent and highly regarded movies (mainly animated as that is where my blind spot lies) but Remo Willia...
Elmore Leonard 1925 – 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 02:03 pm
Elmore Leonard 1925 – 2013 From pulp western novels in the 1950’s to the brilliant TV show Justified via Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown and Steven Soderbergh’s Out of Sight, Elmore Leonard was noth...
More death proof cars related news:
Death Proof 24 Oct 2010 | 06:24 pm
This is the story of Stuntman Mike, a former Hollywood stuntman but now a psychopathic killer. His modus is to seek for unassuming women victims where he uses his charm to lure them into riding his "d...
Death And Car Lease 7 Jul 2011 | 04:38 pm
When you undertake the responsibility of an automobile lease, the finance institution isn’t interested in the reasons that prevent you from making the monthly obligations. This responsibility continue...
Grindhouse: Auto zabiják / Grindhouse: Death Proof (2007) 13 Feb 2008 | 03:59 am
Grindhouse: Auto zabiják 6 Feb 2008 | 10:33 am
Grindhouse: Auto zabijak Grindhouse: Death Proof Akční / Krimi / Thriller USA, 2007, 87 min (SE: 114 min) Režie: Quentin Tarantino Hrají: Kurt Russell, Rosario Dawson, Vanessa Ferlito, Jordan Lad....
Grindhouse: Auto zabiják / Grindhouse: Death Proof (2007) 30 Oct 2007 | 12:25 am
Quick Paddel to Work for Commuter 19 Mar 2008 | 01:19 pm
A commuter who was sick to death of car fumes and road jams has gone to extreme lengths to avoid them. Trainee architect Ricardo Assis Rosa now travels to and from work in his canoe, which he manages...
Machete 4 Sep 2010 | 12:54 am
It’s kind of amazing that Machete exists as a feature film. It was originally one of the fake trailers that appeared between Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror and Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof in the...
Big B’s Death Rumor….why is this….? 27 Jun 2012 | 08:16 pm
The online medias and different blogs has posted about the Death of Bollyhood superstar Amitabh Bachchan Death in Car Crash in USA. Mr. Amitabh Bachchan was in USA for his upcoming movie shoot and met...
James Holmes Shooting Victim Pushes for Painful Death Penalty 1 Aug 2012 | 07:46 pm
Carli Richards, a 22-year old who was shot in the back by James Holmes during his alleged rampage in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, wants to see the murder suspect given the death penalty. In the most p...
Suicides now outnumber deaths from car crashes 6 May 2013 | 09:47 pm
The number of suicide deaths in the U.S. has climbed past the number of motor vehicle deaths in recent years, due mostly to an increase in suicide among middle-aged Americans.