Most debian sid install related news are at:
Help us to release "Wheezy": participate to our BSP marathon 10 Nov 2012 | 05:00 am
The Debian Project is pleased to announce that in the next few weeks Bug Squashing Parties (BSPs) will take place in several countries. The main focus of a Bug Squashing Party is to triage and fix bug...
Updated Debian 6.0: 6.0.6 released 29 Sep 2012 | 05:00 am
The Debian project is pleased to announce the sixth update of its stable distribution Debian (codename ). This update mainly adds corrections for security problems to the stable release, along with a...
More debian sid install related news:
Installing Sidux (Debian Sid) on Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad X61s 15 Jul 2007 | 10:26 am
Installing Sidux (Debian Sid) on Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad X61s
AcerAspireOne Touchpad on Debian 11 Jul 2011 | 10:01 am
When installing Debian "Testing" on the AcerAspireOne the touchpad does not register a single tap of the pad as a left mouse click. To rectify this add the following line to the file /etc/modprobe.d/p...
MintPPC 11 released 14 Nov 2011 | 10:46 pm
I was annoyed by the fact that the Debian Wheezy installer did not work and that it took so long to fix this problem. So I hacked the installation process myself and the result is that MintPPC 11 is i...
Debian wheezy installation on Toshiba Portégé R700 5 May 2011 | 08:21 pm
Debian Wheezy installation on my new Toshiba Portégé R700 went like a breeze. I only needed to install proprietary driver (wl) for the Broadcom wireless card. Everything else worked without a hitch. ...
How to Install FTP server on linux debian 30 Jan 2011 | 04:40 pm
1. Install proftpd apt-get install proftpd 2. Select standard. 3. Set permission for user dir chmod 777 /home/arul You can change "arul" with your username. 4. Restart the proftpd /etc/init.d/p...
How to Install and Setting Mail Server on Linux Debian 9 Jan 2011 | 09:06 pm
To install the mail server, just install squirrelmail, postfix, and courier-imap. apt-get install postifx courier-imap squirrelmail And add this script to apache settings. I use this script : cp /e....
Bouygues Télécom filtre malhonnêtement son réseau 3G et inspecte vos données 19 Apr 2011 | 09:10 pm
Une jolie leçon en matière de neutralité de réseau de la part de Bouygues Télécom. Voici "l'accès Internet illimité 2Go" que obtenez pour 45 euros par mois. Introduction Mon PC sous Debian SID est c...
Compiling the Second Life Viewer source code on Ubuntu Edgy – 2 14 Jan 2007 | 02:15 am
my system specs – hardware and software i use. if you need info about the debian packages installed on my Ubuntu Edgy system, see precedent post or leave a comment. unpacked (grabbed from here. see ...
Linux に Android SDK 入れてみる 15 May 2010 | 06:02 am
せっかく Android 端末 (Nexus One) 買ったので、Android SDK で遊んでみることにしました。 Windows からいじってもいいのですが、普段持ち歩いている環境は Linux なので、Linux で動かないとね... ってことで、Linux で環境整えることにしました。 しかし、そううまく行かないのが、この世界。(何 最終的には Debian sid でちゃんと...
debian librairies install AND xbt trouble connection refused 26 May 2012 | 12:49 am
hi guys ))) so, here i am , i hope i finally found the right place for some help, its been hours and hours am looking for someone to help on my debian vps )))) SO, am installing a tracker, xbt trac...