Most debian source list related news are at:

PDF Helferlein für Dolphin / KDE 14 Jul 2012 | 04:08 am
Ich habe mir im Laufe der Zeit ein paar PDF Helferlein für Dolphin als ServiceMenu geschaffen. Ich bin die auch immer mal wieder am weiterentwickeln und habe angefangen, das ganze in einem Git Repoist...
SSD (Solid State Disk) – Addon 8 Mar 2012 | 07:14 am
Im letzten Eintrag betreffend meinem Wechsel auf SSDs habe ich noch vergessen eine Änderung an Chromium zu kommunizieren: Chromium Cache nach /tmp verlagern Wer sich sein System mal ein bisschen ans...
More debian source list related news:
Ubuntu 11.04 Malaysia source list example 29 Oct 2011 | 03:38 am
ubuntu-1104 For those having server or desktop build from Ubuntu Linux. Below are what location to choose after installation. Usually it needs to sourced from nearest Ubuntu mirror server/repo to yo...
Ubuntu Karmic/9.10, adding the PPA and its key 23 Dec 2009 | 04:19 am
Lets say you would like to add chromium daily builds PPA repository to your sources.list and import its key: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily Thats it!! the repository is stored in : /et...
Smart Source Coupon Insert Preview for Sunday 7/31 21 Jul 2011 | 09:07 am
Smart Source listed herefor 7/31 ~ You will Receive 5 Inserts Red Lobster $4.00 off any two dinner entree's (9/8) Red Lobster $3.00 off any two lunch entree's (9/8) BIC Stationery Products ...
Debian5安装VHCS2.4.8 方法步骤 29 May 2012 | 07:18 pm
1、 修改更新源 编辑更新源,将更新源中的光盘源取消掉 #vim /etc/apt/sources.list 并添加下面的源 deb # tar -xjvf vhcs-2.4.8.tar.bz2 6、 切换到VHCS2的目录,建立需要安装的文件列表包: # cd vhcs-2.4.8 # cd docs # vim debian5-packages.
Repository Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx 1 May 2010 | 05:08 pm
Berikut repository ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx : tambahkan source list dibawah ini di #nano /etc/apt/source.list Repository di Foss ID : deb lucid-backports main restrict...
gBrainy: El Brain Trainer para GNU/Linux y Windows 14 May 2008 | 05:01 am
Ejercita tu mente con gBrainy! Para instalarlo ejecuta el terminal y escribe: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list Y le añadimos la línea deb getdeb/ A continuación guardamos el gedi...
Updated apps list to Ubuntu 8.10 29 Oct 2008 | 05:54 am
Updated an APT sources list in Appnr to Ubuntu 8.10 repositories. Simutrans, Cairo Dock, and more available on Ubuntu 8.10.
Repository Ubuntu Lucid Lynx lokal 7 May 2010 | 12:19 am
tambahkan di #nano /etc/apt/source.list deb lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb lucid-proposed main restricte...
Prolog random permutation 29 Jun 2011 | 03:21 pm
Permuting a given list comes up as a subroutine of the REVERSE game. I’ve seen a pretty crazy implementation of shuffle which involves extracting a random element from the source list and putting it i...
Instalasi gui di ubuntu server 10 Jul 2011 | 01:36 pm
1) yang Pertama anda perlu memastikan bahwa Anda telah mengaktifkan repositori Universe dan multiverse di file / etc / apt / sources.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop Per...