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Make Your Own Toolbar Button Glyphs 30 Mar 2010 | 06:59 am
Things you will need: Photoshop Now that the new ToolbarButton style has landed on Trunk I put together some templates in Photoshop and posted them on the SVN server. These templates will allow someo...
Create SVN Server and Browsing Repository from WebServer (https) 12 May 2012 | 02:57 pm
Salah satu kegunaan SVN (subversion) adalah untuk mempermudah programmer dalam me-manage source code yang dibuatnya. SVN membantu kita utk melakukan update source code, rollback to specific version, m...
Installing SVN server 26 Nov 2009 | 05:57 pm
Install latest Apache http server Install SVN Make sure to install mod_dav_svn and mod_authz_svn. mod_authz_svn is only needed if you plan on doing fine-grained directory permissions on your SVN rep...
My Home Server 15 May 2009 | 07:40 am
As like many other Computer Science persons, i have my own server running at home. I use it primarily as an svn server and to do backup of various things. Being a student, one of the demands I had for...
Working with SVN and DropBox without a dedicated SVN server 25 Mar 2010 | 03:41 am
What is DropBox? DropBox is a service that keeps a certain folder in your computer sincronized with other computers (your laptop, desktop, dev server, your team`s dev machines, etc). Whatever file yo...
Kostenlose Versionskontrolle mit Mercurial, Bitbucket und TortoiseHg 1 Mar 2011 | 03:56 am
Für Alle die vielleicht schon mit dem Gedanken gespielt haben eine Versionskontrolle für das eigene Projekt einzusetzen – aber die Installation und das Set-Up eines SVN-Servers gescheut haben, daran g...
SVN problem in linux 5 Nov 2011 | 04:19 am
If you are using the nightly deb for linux and get the following error message: D targets/mouth/images/mouth-width-min-max.png svn: Server sent unexpected return value (502 Bad Gateway) in response t...
Apache Truncating Images on Network Storage (NAS) 30 Mar 2011 | 06:31 am
We had just migrated about 300GB of data to the NAS from our Debian linux server and I thought maybe the file migration had an issue, or somehow the files became corrupt. But the files worked fine in ...
visualsvn server "'repositories' is not a valid short filename" 13 Mar 2012 | 07:45 am
Problem I had been trying to upgrade my standard edition Visual SVN Server for months now. Every time I received the email notification of a new version I would download the update, run it and the in...
Debian NFS server – Ubuntu NFS client 13 Jul 2010 | 06:50 am
NFS is a great way to share and get access to files across a network. The NFS system gives the option to mount a NFS from an external system and a local mount point on your locale system. To get this...