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More debian virtualbox additions related news:
How to install Windows 8 contiguous with normal OS 6 Oct 2011 | 02:41 am
1. VirtualBox can be installed in most new Intel or AMD. Requires 30 MB of disk space for your own code base, and we’ll recommend a 60 GB additional space for each virtual machine to install, since it...
Prueba Debian con Virtualbox. 18 Oct 2010 | 02:58 am
Hurd es el núcleo que el proyecto GNU lleva desarrollando desde el siglo pasado y que de tanto en tanto nos ofrece alguna noticia. La de hoy queremos que sea útil: hemos preparado una imagen del Virtu...
PHPUnit and Virtualbox / Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception' 4 Jun 2011 | 08:57 am
Note As per the comments for this post (I haven’t had the time to verify): Paul Mitchell submitted a patch which solves the issue in the latest versions of Virtualbox Guest Additions – so please try...
Network modes in VirtualBox 10 Jan 2012 | 01:37 am
VirtualBox can be a real lifesaver. It is a software that allows me to simulate a real computer on my computer. So I can risk-free try software, and perform additional services on my computer: for exa...
Instalar VirtualBox por medio de Repositorios 25 May 2010 | 03:22 pm
Existe la posibilidad de instalar VirtualBox por medio de repositorios oficiales que Oracle tiene disponible. Hay para distribuciones basadas en Debian (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian, etc) y aqu...
Virtualbox dan VmWare'a Doğru (*.vdi to *.vmdk) 26 Mar 2011 | 01:12 am
Qemu yüklü değilse yüklüyoruz. Debian paket sistemi kullananlar için Raw hard disk'imizi *.vmdk formatına çeviriyoruz. İşlemler bittikten sonra VmWare'da yeni bir makine oluşturuyoruz. Resimde gör...
Linux下VirtualBox数据空间的配置 11 Apr 2012 | 04:07 pm
介绍如何在VirtualBox下的Linux挂载宿主机文件夹,实现虚拟机与宿主机之间的文件共享。 环境:Oracle VM Virtualbox 4.0.10 + CentOS 6.0 1、在CentOS下安装VirtualBox Guest Addition 在当前虚拟机界面点击”设备” – “分配光驱” – “Choose a virtual CS/DVD…” 打开VirtualBox...
How to Install Guest Additions to Windows and Linux VMs in VirtualBox 9 Mar 2011 | 01:13 am
If you want to run multiple OS on your computer, maybe VirtualBox is a good choice for you to achieve it. Now I will show you how to install guest additions to Windows and Linux VMS in VirtualBox. No...
The Debian Administrator’s Handbook 23 Apr 2012 | 11:25 am
The BackTrack Team is proud to have contributed 1000 EUR to the Debian Administrator’s Handbook liberation fund. This book, written by two Debian developers, is a welcome addition to any administrator...
Network modes in VirtualBox 9 Jan 2012 | 08:37 pm
VirtualBox can be a real lifesaver. It is a software that allows me to simulate a real computer on my computer. So I can risk-free try software, and perform additional services on my computer: for exa...