Most decanter related news are at:

New Zealand wine exports hit new revenue high 27 Aug 2013 | 11:34 am
Exports of New Zealand wine hit record revenue levels over the past year, but volumes were down thanks to the small 2012 grape harvest, according to a new report.
Grange auction expected to net A$100,000 27 Aug 2013 | 11:28 am
Nearly 100 bottles of Penfolds Grange could raise A$100,000 or more in an online auction of one of the famous wine's largest private collections.
More decanter related news:
Invitaciones de Boda en blanco y negro 21 Feb 2011 | 10:33 pm
Elegantes y con mucho estilo, así son las invitaciones de boda en blanco y negro. Si estas planeando una boda elegante y sobria, son una gran elección. Ya te decantes por modelos sencillos o por otros...
1964 Bodegas Palacio Glorioso Gran Reserva Rioja 4 Feb 2012 | 02:52 pm
1964 Bodegas Palacio Glorioso | © 2012 Cynthia Wenslow Very light color when poured, but darkened considerably after a few minutes in the decanter; it never really got that dark, though. The texture ...
10 chai rượu Cognac đắt nhất thế giới 31 Oct 2011 | 06:14 pm
10. Courvoisier L'Espirit Decanter Giá:5000USD Được phối chế từ nhiều loại Brandy khác nhau. Có hương vị quế và mơ khô. Lúc đầu bạn uống sẽ cảm thấy nó khá nặng, tuy nhiên càng uống sẽ thấy dịu h...
Should You Open That Bottle? 18 Feb 2012 | 09:54 pm
I have heard people say that whisky never ages once you open the bottle (unlike wine, which must be consumed within a couple days, though you can extend that a bit with a fancy decanting system). I wa...
Le Père Noël, ce terroriste 26 Dec 2010 | 05:14 am
Hier soir, après notre réveillon chez ma belle-maman, nous sommes revenus chez nous après avoir bien mangé, bien ri, pas beaucoup bu, et étant un peu fatigués. Afin de décanter un peu, nous nous somm...
Appellations: would we be better off without them? 2 Nov 2011 | 12:16 am
In a recent edition of Decanter magazine, Piero Antinori tells the world that Rosso di Montalcino might benefit from the use of so-called ‘International’ grape varieties. Indeed, the Tuscan Marquis sa...
DECANTER, septembre 2011 10 Oct 2011 | 09:31 pm
Nous avons eu l'immense bonheur de découvrir que l'un de nos vins à reçu la note de 20/20 points dans le célèbre magasine Décanter. Pour les curieux, je vous invite à me contacter par mail pour recevo...
Does Decanter Love The Languedoc? 3 Feb 2012 | 08:51 pm
Andrew Jeffords and Rosemary George tackled the Herculean task of writing an eight page feature to describe the Languedoc in the March issue of Decanter. A region so diverse and adventuruous is incre...
BM-203 10 Aug 2011 | 10:10 pm
Buenas guapas!! Otra manicura?? Claroooo!! Esta manicura la llevé a una comunión que tuve a principio de verano. Iba vestida con un pantalón beige y una camiseta azul marino y me decanté por una uñas ...
Dogs 15 Jun 2009 | 10:57 pm
Tonight I leave New York forever. I'm on Christopher street, the half litre of vodka decanted into my old jogging bottle and the plan is this – History day – I am history - I will stand beneath the tr...