Most dee dee related news are at:
8 ans 27 Aug 2013 | 10:26 am
Longtemps, j’ai été contre cet engagement : désuet, tue l’amour, trop conventionnel, commercial. Le mariage ne me semblait pas être la réponse que se font deux personnes qui s’aiment et qui veulent re...
Prenons notre pied sur Instagram ! 26 Aug 2013 | 06:47 pm
Tout à l’heure, je lisais un article d’un dénommé Fibre Tigre sur le blog de David Abiker. Lequel disait en substance que montrer ses pieds sur Instagram, c’était vraiment trop la honte. Commun, facil...
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Top 10 Ramones Songs of All Time 19 Oct 2011 | 09:29 am
The Ramones are the greatest punk rock band ever and they are from New York! Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee, and Tommy started rocking out Forest Hills, Queens in the mid 70s and produced perhaps the rawest a...
Laboratorium Dextera – Gwiezdni Pomocnicy 10 Mar 2010 | 03:24 am
Superbohater Chluba Narodu poszukuje osoby, która mogłaby zostać jego nowym superpomocnikiem. Najwięksi fani Chluby – Dexter i Dee Dee zamierzają wygrać w tej rywalizacji. Któremu z nich się uda? Rel...
Laboratorium Dextera – Dom lalek 7 Mar 2010 | 03:14 am
Ten dzień zaczął się dla Dextera zbyt dobrze. Brak obecności Dee Dee w laboratorium sprawia, że mały naukowiec podejrzewa swoją siostrę o tworzenie tajemniczego planu przeciwko niemu. Dlatego pomniejs...
Laboratorium Dextera – Szczep zwany dziewczyny 4 Mar 2010 | 03:10 am
Laboratorium Dextera to bajka znana na całym świecie. W tym odcinku Dexter obserwuje jak zachowują się dziewczęta (jego siostra Dee Dee wraz z koleżankami) we własnym towarzystwie. Niestety jego nie u...
Welcome to Miriam theme 7 Jan 2012 | 11:59 pm
Enter at your peril, past the vaulted door. Impossible things will happen that the world’s never seen before. In Dexter’s laboratory lives the smartest boy you’ve ever seen, but Dee Dee blows his expe...
Custom pagination 7 Jan 2011 | 11:36 pm
Enter at your peril, past the vaulted door. Impossible things will happen that the world’s never seen before. In Dexter’s laboratory lives the smartest boy you’ve ever seen, but Dee Dee blows his expe...
Welcome to Epic adventure 7 Jan 2012 | 11:59 pm
Enter at your peril, past the vaulted door. Impossible things will happen that the world’s never seen before. In Dexter’s laboratory lives the smartest boy you’ve ever seen, but Dee Dee blows his expe...
Another Post 7 Jan 2011 | 11:36 pm
Enter at your peril, past the vaulted door. Impossible things will happen that the world’s never seen before. In Dexter’s laboratory lives the smartest boy you’ve ever seen, but Dee Dee blows his expe...
She Didn't Know [She Kept on Talking] - Dee Dee Warwick 8 Apr 2011 | 03:16 am
I made that video by request for a youtube member, but, unfortunately, because of copyright infringement, it seems that the vid is blocked in EVERY country in the whole damn world. As a result, I deci...
Dee-Dee a lansat “Gimme your love” alături de celebrul Ray Horton ! 27 May 2012 | 12:59 am
Românca noastră , Dee-Dee, a lansat o nouă piesă alături de celebrul Ray Horton , interpretul care a cântat alături de trupa Nana piesa “I remember the time” ! Sincer, susţin muzica românească, si o s...