Most define foolishness in the bible related news are at:

Fall at The McGlothlin Home for Boys {the homeschooling, organizing, cleaning, and healthy living edition} 24 Aug 2013 | 09:08 pm
The mornings have been so wonderfully cool here in Southwest Virginia this week. As I write this, it’s a perfect 65 degrees. My windows are open, my boys are playing, and it makes me long for some Hok...
I’m pulling together a quick launch team, want to join me for my latest eBook? 22 Aug 2013 | 09:49 pm
Ever feel like your emotions control you instead of the other way around? Me too. I recently wrote a series of posts here on that very topic that seem to be really resonating with everyone, so I’ve d...
More define foolishness in the bible related news:
A Wonderful Mother Defined 1 Jun 2013 | 10:25 am
A WONDERFUL MOTHER DEFINED Night after night, Bible Stories were heard. Led by a MOTHER, WHO TRUSTED GOD’S WORD. Her children, She kissed, as She tucked them in bed, Sat by their bedside, as the Bible...
How do you define Kosher Meat 2 Oct 2010 | 06:12 pm
Kosher is a term given to Jewish dietary laws, which are quite large and even the text of their Bible called the Torah. The label defines kosher food is not only in terms of meat, but in the producti...
marketing 3.0 7 Dec 2010 | 10:04 am
Philip Kotler coined the term Holistic Marketing in his seminal text, Marketing Management and I consider this work a bible. Kotler’s new work, marketing 3.0, defines a break with traditional marketi...
God's Word at the Heart of Christian Education 9 Dec 2012 | 03:07 am
Schultz (1998) defined Kingdom education as “a life-long, Bible-based, Christ-centered process of leading a child to Christ, building a child up in Christ, and equipping a child to serve Christ” (p. 2...
Devotionals - "christian Homosexual Lobby!" Saved To Be Lawless? Part 3-Full Sermon 6 Jun 2013 | 09:22 pm
Fellowship Baptist Church Senior Pastor R. Rubino 2929 West 20th Street (718)-372-5022 "Christian Homosexual Lobby!" Saved To Be Lawless? Part 3 1) True marriage in the Bible is always defined as a s...
What is Bible Prophecy? 8 Aug 2013 | 07:45 am
What is Prophecy For? Webster’s Dictionary defines prophecy as “A foretelling; prediction; a declaration of something to come”. It continues by rightly saying: “As God only knows future events with ...
What is Truth? The bible as inerrant, infallible, mistake free and perfect according to Selective Fundamentalists, while the true heart of the true Je... 26 Jul 2013 | 03:41 pm
“Thy Word is Truth”…and “word” is defined in the Greek as the Logos of God or literally Jesus and Truth, not necessarily what we call the entire bible…(an appeal to part of the bible, I know). We must...
Wrath Kills a Foolish Man 23 Jul 2013 | 07:03 am
Sometimes things happen in our lives which makes us angry; it's a normal human emotion and no one is exempt - we all get angry, or as it is said in the old English of the Bible, we get wroth - yes, we...
Benner – Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible 27 Aug 2013 | 10:27 pm
Hebrew Letters, Words and Roots Defined Within Their Ancient Cultural Context