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Twithore 6 Jul 2009 | 01:39 pm
noun |twit’hohr| One who excessively engages in tweeting, by posting multiple tweets per day. From ‘Twitter’ and ‘whore’. Examples I tweeted fourteen times today and loved it. I am such a twithore...
Delete multiple stored procedures in sql server 25 May 2012 | 12:23 am
Hello guys, for example you redesigned your database or changed the name of stored procedure and you want to delete them easly. Here is the nice multiple delete stored procedures sql snippets. SEL...
SVN 常用指令整理 5 May 2012 | 04:23 pm
批次增加新建的檔案 Adding multiple new files (ie. the ones with a “?” next to them): svn add $( svn status | sed -e '/^?/!d' -e 's/^?//' ) 批次刪除檔案 Deleting multiple missing files (ie. the ones with a “!” ne...
Deleting Multiple Pending Posts and Post Revisions Instantly from WordPress Using MYSQL Scripts 24 Jan 2012 | 06:41 am
Have you ever tried deleting multiple posts (more than 500posts) from the WordPress admin panel before? If you’ve tried you’ll know that it fails! Yes it fails hopelessly. I know that there are lots o...
Gmail: Save time with ‘Auto Advance’ to next email 29 Oct 2010 | 11:34 pm
What happens when you delete or archive an email in your Gmail Inbox ? Gmail goes back to your inbox by default. This is not effective when you are reading and archiving/deleting multiple emails. Gmai...
Should I Write This on Twitter? 11 Feb 2012 | 07:56 am
There’s a lot (not alot) that gets said on Twitter and some things really can’t be conveyed in 140 characters. On Twitter, your only real option is multiple tweets or a service like Twitlonger. It’s ...
Finding duplicate entries in MySQL 21 May 2012 | 10:17 pm
From time to time I need to check for duplicate entries in my databases. E.g. when I have large numbers of clients signing up for events or similar. I know there’s ways of deleting multiple entries b...
Delete Multiple Friends on Facebook with new Timeline 13 Apr 2012 | 11:24 pm
Since timeline, things have been moving around :) Very hard to find things now. They are driving me crazy. As you know from previous posts, I manage my friends with friends-lists which helps me “cull...
Selecting rows in a paginated data grid 13 Jul 2012 | 12:02 am
When displaying sets of records on the web it’s a very common thing to include a checkbox on each row to allow users to select rows for things like, deleting multiple records, moving records from one ...
SVN 常用指令整理 5 May 2012 | 12:23 pm
批次增加新建的檔案 Adding multiple new files (ie. the ones with a “?” next to them): svn add $( svn status | sed -e '/^?/!d' -e 's/^?//' ) 批次刪除檔案 Deleting multiple missing files (ie. the ones with a “!” next t...