Most delft related news are at:

Welcome to the Interactive Intelligence Group 8 Jan 2013 | 01:45 pm
The Interactive Intelligence group aims to engineer empathy. To achieve this aim we combine research from different fields: Agent-based reasoning to develop cognitive frameworks for varous domains of...
Welcome to the Interactive Intelligence Group 14 Feb 2011 | 10:18 pm
The Interactive Intelligence group aims to engineer empathy. To achieve this aim we combine research from different fields: Agent-based reasoning to develop cognitive frameworks for varous domains of...
More delft related news:
Laatste try outs in Delft en Amersfoort 28 Oct 2011 | 01:51 am
10 november de premiere van Nou Wordt Die Mooi! in Vlaardingen. Maar er zijn nog 3 try outs te geen. Wil je de gehele voorstelling zien, voor bijna niets? Kom datn 31 oktober of 6 november naar het Ri...
Semester 1: Done... sort of 31 Jan 2011 | 04:42 am
Five and a half months ago I boarded a plane going to from Calgary, Canada to Amsterdam, the Netherlands. After a cordial greeting at the airport and a short bus ride to Delft, I began to settle into ...
Sunny Portugal 2 Nov 2010 | 07:17 am
After a challenging quarter of school, a week in Portugal was a fantastic way to unwind and recharge. The sun and blue skies were a welcome change from the rainy and windy weather of Delft. A classmat...
Finally! I'm in Delft! 26 Aug 2010 | 07:22 am
Technically speaking, I arrived in Delft 5 days ago, but the last few days have been so busy that I haven't had time to post anything. So, as I sit here sipping wine and waiting for my dinner to cook,...
Storm in a Royal Delft Tea Cup, la tempesta perfetta nella tazza 10 Jul 2010 | 06:47 pm
Il design John Lumbus deve essere un appassionato di tè, se gli è venuta in mente questa stramba tazza cinetica dentro cui si agitano onde e fulmini. Basta girare una manopola, ed ecco ricreata la te...
Honorable Mention la Open Source House Competition 23 Jun 2010 | 03:51 am
WBR House, proiectul propus de noi, a primit ieri mentiune in concursul OS-House! Competitia organizata la TU Delft urmareste realizarea unor locuinte ecologice si accesibile pentru locuitorii din c...
Tienda piloto de Albert Heijn pensando en verde 27 Jul 2009 | 11:29 pm
El líder del mercado holandés de distribución alimentaria, Albert Heijn, ha lanzado unos conceptos de pilotos, las tiendas de futuro de Albert Heijn. Una de estas tiendas es la tienda de Delft, una ci...
OPI A roll in the Hague and Rainbow Connection 1 May 2012 | 03:47 am
Bij Koninginnedag horen uiteraard leuke oranje nagels. Ik had er alleen niet zoveel tijd voor. Gisteravond zijn we de stad in geweest en vandaag gingen we naar de vrijmarkt in Delft. Gelukkig dekt "A ...
The Tenth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing 17 Mar 2010 | 02:40 am
The Tenth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (IEEE P2P'10) Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands August 25-27, 2010 T...
MAC Delft, Blue Brown & Spiritualized Look (Recreation) 13 Dec 2010 | 11:54 pm
I have been meaning to recreate this for a YouTube tutorial for awhile now, but I recently got contacted by a few people who wanted to see this done. I appreciate the contact & requests so I just had ...