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Linux SERVER als Webserver einrichten – Grundinstallation Teil 1 25 May 2011 | 09:00 pm
1.) Hardware: Dell 1950, 2 x E5400 2.83GHz, 8GB RAM, PERC 5/i RAIDCONTROLLER, welcher 2 73GB 15k SAS Platten als Raid1 (Mirror) antreibt. 2.) OS = SLES 11 3.) Wir konfigurieren das HardwareRaid – da...
Studio Associato Colibre 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm
Lo Studio Associato Colibre si è costituito all'inizio dell'anno 2004 ed è composto da personale che ha maturato diversi anni di esperienza nel campo informatico industriale: dalla progettazione di ap...
Ahsay™ and Dell Joint Seminar Greatly Successful 23 May 2011 | 01:00 pm
Ahsay™ and Dell jointly held a seminar at Hong Kong Productivity Council on 20th May 2011. Over 100 IT professionals attended the event to understand how the latest backup software and hardware offere...
Domani il via al concorso letterario di PensieriParole! 15 Nov 2009 | 11:17 pm
La giuria si allarga ancora! Dopo la graditissima “irruzione” nella giuria di Flavio Oreglio, noto artista e comico, abbiamo ricevuto l’appoggio del Presidente dell’Accademia della poesia “Aque Slosse...
Source Code 18 Nov 2011 | 10:33 pm
Quando il decorato capitano Colter Stevens (Gyllenhaal) si sveglia nel corpo di un uomo sconosciuto, scopre di far parte di una sua missione che cerca di individuare il responsabile dell'esplosione di...
Amazing Abstract Album Covers from the 1950s 10 Oct 2010 | 09:18 pm
I find it so hard to believe that these covers are 50+ years old. Some of them look downright modern. The following six covers were chosen by David Day who own Jive Time Records in Seattle, WA. He als...
RT and Win a Dell Inspiron Laptop for Mother's Day! 28 Apr 2010 | 06:59 pm
Image via Wikipedia This is one of the coolest contests because of the easiness and the amazing prize you can win :-) The prize will be a Dell Inspiron Laptop which will be given away to one lucky p...
Dell Streak 7 Tablet Review 26 Mar 2012 | 04:41 am
The Dell Streak 7 is one of the smallest tablets on the market, with a 7-inch screen. To some this may be a drawback, but for many it makes it a very portable device. It also boosts a number of top sp...
Fesses moi su tu peux 12 Nov 2010 | 01:57 am
Une pratique que peu de salopes apprécient sauf si elles ont eus des maitres d’école ou des maitresses adeptes dans les années 1950 de cette forme de punition humiliante devant tout le monde! En plus ...
Black Friday Dell Doorbuster Deals! 26 Nov 2011 | 10:01 am
Black Friday Dell Doorbuster deals are here!!! These are LIMITED IN QUANTITY so act quick as price will go back to normal once the limit has been reached: Dell Inspiron 15 laptop with Intel Core i3, 3...