Most delphi explode string related news are at:

Автоматизированный ввод-вывод денег с сайта 27 Aug 2013 | 01:04 am
Добрый день. Не знал куда написать, решил в этот раздел. Вопрос касается денег и их автоматизированного ввода/вывода. Создается сайт. Типа барахолки. Где пользователи могут выставлять товары на про...
Выбор хостинга 26 Aug 2013 | 11:32 pm
Извиняюсь, если тема создана не в том разделе, не нашел подходящего. Просьба модераторов сильно не ругаться:) Ну так вот. Хотел узнать поподробнее про один хостинг, а именно Мо...
More delphi explode string related news:
Bug in Delphi XE RegularExpressions Unit 22 Sep 2010 | 04:16 pm
Using the new RegularExpressions unit in Delphi XE, you can iterate over all the matches that a regex finds in a string like this: Or you could save yourself two lines of code by using the static TRe...
Sample of Function Delphi 20 Jun 2008 | 05:08 pm
d = Decimal (integer) e = Scientific f = Fixed g = General m = Money n = Number (floating) p = Pointer s = String u = Unsigned decimal x = Hexadecimal Sample of Program format function var text : str...
Exploding new lines in PHP 2 Mar 2012 | 06:52 pm
One question I get a lot is “how do I explode a string into lines?”. The “default” approach, not necessarily bad, is the following: (more…)
Gathering storms: With Earl, Fiona and Gaston, hurricane season heats up 2 Sep 2010 | 04:49 pm
In the last two weeks, it seems as though the tropics have exploded: Hurricane Earl, big, scary and steaming toward North Carolina and a string of states. Tropical Storm Fiona, nearing hurricane stren...
delphi 下的记录类型 如何加密?求指点。。。 22 Jul 2012 | 12:32 pm
各位大牛,请指点一下小弟啊!! delphi下记录类型如何加密呢????? pGetMode = ^TGetMode; TGetMode = packed record HD: TProtocolHeader; UserID: Cardinal; SessionID: Cardinal; ModeName:string[100]; end;
Delphi – Conversi Data 23 Jan 2013 | 02:39 pm
Pernah mendapatkan pesan error seperti dibawah ini? Incompatible types: ‘String’ and ‘Integer’ Kalau pernah, berarti Anda mengalami masalah perbedaan type data. Yang harusnya data tersebut bertype “st...
New tip added 30 Jul 2013 | 03:20 pm
A new tip from Don Rowlett has been added to the Delphi Tips section. It shows how to double quote a string if it contains spaces.
Gotcha: irb, multi-line strings and "Display all 309 possibilities? (y or n)" 16 Aug 2013 | 06:28 am
Small thing I figured out. I was in irb and trying to copy/paste some text into a multi-line string to play with gsub, and it kept exploding halfway through and showing the message: instead of actual...
Exploding Some Delphi Pricing Myths 27 Aug 2013 | 12:52 am
More than one commenter to recent posts has trotted out the same tired old myths that, in their view, prevent [insert current owner of Delphi here] from being able to compete fairly on the pricing fro...
JSON 1.3 12 Aug 2013 | 02:19 pm
Delphi and C++ Builder JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) library.- read and modify existing json files- create new json files- full JSON supported: literals, numbers, strings, arrays and objects- date...