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PJ goes for second Mercury Music Prize; can a dark horse upset in proposition betting? 26 Aug 2011 | 02:09 am
September 6th will see the awarding of the 19th annual Mercury Music Prize, bestowed upon the individual performer or group from the UK or Ireland who released the best album of the preceding year. No...
U.S. Republican Party presidential nomination odds (or Really, America? Rick Perry?) 12 Aug 2011 | 02:19 am
This writer just returned from a three-week sojourn in the United States and came away horrified; no, not at the garish and ubiquitous juxtaposition of conspicuous consumption with surface worries abo...
More denise moore mel gibson related news:
Fomos Heróis 18 Dec 2011 | 11:50 pm
Sinopse Em plena Guerra do Vietnã, o tenente-coronel Hal Moore (Mel Gibson) e mais 400 integrantes do exército norte-americano, todos da elite de combate, são cercados por 2000 soldados vietnamitas. ...