Most development editor related news are at:

Why digital newspapers need to be free 19 Aug 2013 | 05:59 pm
My oldest kids, 26 and 24, don’t subscribe to any print newspapers or magazines and I’ll bet they never will. They also don’t pay for any digital newspaper/magazine subscriptions. There's probably no ...
How will Jeff Bezos disrupt newspapers? 12 Aug 2013 | 06:47 pm
Last week we saw the surprising announcement that Jeff Bezos is buying the Washington Post. Bezos, of course, led the disruption in the book publishing industry and everyone is wondering what he'll do...
More development editor related news:
Bluefish (text editor) on Ubuntu 9 Dec 2010 | 04:13 am
Bluefish is a web development editor focused towards the development of dynamic websites. Bluefish supports development in (among others) HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, PHP, C, JavaScript, Java, SQL, Perl, Co...
Peter Eisenberg edited Media People Using Twitter Around The World 26 May 2010 | 09:09 pm
Jeremy Nicholas, freelance BBCbroadcaster, @TalkingToolbox Joanna Geary, Development Editor, Birmingham Post, @bhampostjoanna and @joannageary Eisenberg, Deputy News Editor, AP Television News, London...
Peter Eisenberg edited Media People Using Twitter Around The World 26 May 2010 | 09:07 pm
Jeremy Nicholas, freelance BBCbroadcaster, @TalkingToolbox Joanna Geary, Development Editor, Birmingham Post, @bhampostjoanna and @joannageary UK@petereisAP and@petereis and@petereisRobert Dale, Free...
Peter Eisenberg edited Media People Using Twitter Around The World 21 May 2010 | 08:45 pm
Jeremy Nicholas, freelance BBCbroadcaster, @TalkingToolbox Joanna Geary, Development Editor, Birmingham Post, @bhampostjoanna and @joannageary London, UK @petereisAP and @petereis UK@petereisAP and@p...
Peter Eisenberg edited Media People Using Twitter Around The World 21 May 2010 | 08:41 pm
Jeremy Nicholas, freelance BBCbroadcaster, @TalkingToolbox Joanna Geary, Development Editor, Birmingham Post, @bhampostjoanna and @joannageary FT, @listentolucy @listentolucyPeter Eisenberg, AP Telev...
A New Job 23 Sep 2011 | 01:21 am
As you may have heard, I will be leaving The Times at the beginning of October to start a new role at The Guardian as their Digital Development Editor. I’ll be based in the newsroom, helping The Guar...
Bluefish (text editor) on Ubuntu 8 Dec 2010 | 11:13 pm
Bluefish is a web development editor focused towards the development of dynamic websites. Bluefish supports development in (among others) HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, PHP, C, JavaScript, Java, SQL, Perl, Co...
Coming Around to Sublime Text 4 Feb 2013 | 10:45 am
So, quite late to the party, I'm starting to come around to liking Sublime Text 2 after many months of using BBEdit 10 as my primary development editor. I still like BBEdit, but Sublime Text is starti...
Brown Venture Labs Series – Hacks to Improve Presentations 18 Jun 2013 | 09:58 pm
Previous Article: Brown Venture Labs Series – 14-Point Manifesto on Customer Development Editor’s Note: This article is apart of the series from Javier Sandoval, mentor-in-residence at Brown Venture ...
Brown Venture Labs Series – 14-Point Manifesto on Customer Development 15 May 2013 | 09:03 pm
Previous Article: Brown Venture Labs Series – Further Into Customer Development Editor’s Note: This article is apart of the series from Javier Sandoval, mentor-in-residence at Brown Venture Labs. The...