Most dfs related news are at:

#mstechdays suivez les Techdays 2013 en live! 8 Feb 2013 | 10:10 pm
Si comme moi vous n'avez pas la chance de pouvoir assister aux techdays vous pouvez les suivre en live directement depuis le site du laboratoire grâce à la techdays TV. (La diff...
Microsoft possède un nouveau logo 26 Aug 2012 | 03:59 pm
Microsoft a dévoilé sur son site et dans ses boutiques américaines son nouveau logo composé de quatre carrés colorés suivi du nom Microsoft avec la police d...
More dfs related news:
TreeSize Professional 11 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am
TreeSize V5.5.5 with improved suport for Windows DFS shares released.
R2使用指南系列 8 Mar 2006 | 09:10 pm
包括: R2使用指南之一:文件服务器资源管理器(FSRM) R2使用指南之二:SAN存储管理器 R2使用指南之三 :打印管理组件 R2使用指南之四:DFS 管理
Four Seasons Hotel Macau 8 Dec 2011 | 08:06 am
Location Located in Macau, Four Seasons Hotel is well connected to popular places of interest such as Sir Robert Ho Tung Library, St. Augustine Square, Taipa Houses Museum, DFS Galleria Macao and Gran...
Barska 12-60×78 Benchmark DFS AD11008 30 Sep 2011 | 11:55 pm
The Barska AD11008 Overall rating Brand: Barska, Inc. Product SKU: AD11008 Price range: $235.75 – $99.98 Compare prices: Best places to buy Summary Description Where to Buy Add Review or R...
i have "test news 1" related - test 16 Sep 2008 | 09:35 pm
sdfs dfs dfs
Juegos CON adversario 28 Jan 2008 | 05:01 pm
Algoritmo MINIMAX En juegos bipersonales el algoritmo más usado es el denominado Minimax. El procedimiento de búsqueda Minimax es una búsqueda en profundidad (DFS) de profundidad limitada. La idea con...
Mounting Remote Filesystem To Local Solaris UNIX Box – NFS 27 Mar 2012 | 08:26 pm
Quick post on NFS and sharing filesystem from one server to another. Key files and commands for this activity: /etc/dfs/dfstab share (command) shareall The only problem I got in following the bel...
DFS Furniture 30 Jan 2012 | 07:41 am
Front-end visuals, user interface design and concept work for a pitch to the national furniture retailer DFS. Project overview DFS intentionally don’t offer a way to actually buy their products onli...
hadoop安装后的测试 26 Sep 2011 | 06:50 pm
hadoop安装完成后,需要对hadoop进行一些安装后的测试,证明hadoop确实安装成功。以下内容记录一些hadoop的安装后的基本测试: 1:format namenode 安装完成后,用如下命令进行namenode的format [root@master dfs]# hadoop namenode -format DEPRECATED: Use of this script to ...
Nya certifikat 6 Oct 2010 | 08:35 am
DFs mail- och webcertifikat har nu förnyats för ytterligare ett år. CA-certifikatet är samma som tidigare.