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Разработки сотрудника ЮФУ отметили на XVII Международном Салоне в Румынии 27 Aug 2013 | 04:13 pm
XVII Международный Салон изобретательства, исследований и трансфера технологий "Inventica - 2013" прошел в городе Яссы с 19 по 21 июня 2013 года. Донскую землю представляли разработки старшего научног...
Выпускница ЮФУ завоевала 2 место в конкурсе муниципальных работников 27 Aug 2013 | 03:29 pm
26 августа в Администрации города в торжественной обстановке были награждены победители конкурса на звание "Лучший муниципальный служащий города Волгодонска" в 2013 году. Вручал награды мэр Виктор Фир...
More diamond lattice structure related news:
Initiation 5 Oct 2011 | 03:15 am
Your trip dangles in the ether Cryptic words of power Digits mad combined Serpent woven thrice By rare device Bastard thoughts revived There ions go Building lattice structure Row by row Lay down the ...
Lattice Diamond 1 Apr 2013 | 10:19 pm
Lattice Diamond to oprogramowanie, umożliwiające wykorzystanie układów FPGA i CPLD firmy Lattice. Dużym plusem jest łatwość obsługi, różnorodność funkcji oraz to, że jest darmowe dla prostszych układó...
The annual Serpentine Gallery Pavilion commission is back for its twelfth year with a cloud-like, delicate latticed structure of steel, by award-winning Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. THE SERPENTI...
Age-old Pattern Meets Modern Design 24 Jul 2011 | 10:53 pm
Appreciating the design in the division of cracked ice, designer Jasper Hou incorporates this distinctly Chinese pattern, often found in lattice designs and window screens, into the structure of the P...
Diamond Dozen 14 Jun 2012 | 06:10 am
An on going project of mine, this one is. As I move to London soon, I thought I would take advantage of the big smoke and give DD a big push again. I have designed to re-brand and re-structure the clo...
Pergola Plans Overview 24 Aug 2012 | 02:43 pm
Pergolas are structures which have a set of beams or lattice as being a roof or sides, with vines which are trained to grow on to offer cover or perhaps shade. Pergolas are often used as a garden feat...
When You Give a Duke A Diamond by Shana Galen (Terra's Review) 5 Sep 2012 | 08:53 pm
HE HAD A PERFECTLY ORDERLY LIFE... William, the sixth Duke of Pelham, enjoys his punctual. securely structured life. Orderly and predictable—that's the way he likes it. But he's in the public eye, and...
Adding Beauty to Your Garden With Arbor Plans 18 Apr 2013 | 12:16 am
Using arbor plans to build an arbor is a great way to add personality and beauty to the yard of any home. An arbor is a decorative lattice type structure designed so that vines and other climbing foli...
lp to get everything resolved to your liking. Family and dom tzsketn 27 Aug 2013 | 09:39 am
Maurkice Pouncey jersey The color of the diamond can also affect its value; color can be affected by the chemical impurities and structural defects of a stone. The also inspect the clarity of the ston...
colombia White Diamond Gold Gemstone Brooch Emerald grandma 25 Aug 2013 | 11:33 pm
One Of The Most Respected Suppliers, Exporters, And Shops Of ,white Gold Brooches Jewellery, Together With . Are You Feeling The Person That Is Usually Structured And Neat? Clear Cuts Zoom Product Im...