Most diatribe related news are at:

Enjoying the Ride on a Lazy Sunday 25 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
The roller-coaster ride that has been the 2013 Indians season continued this week, as the Indians swept a 3-game series on the road from the The Angels Angels of Anahiem after dropping two of three in...
Picking up the Pieces on a Lazy Sunday 11 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
So…that was an interesting week. The Indians came into August within shouting distance of 1st place in the AL Central with a big series against the division-leading Tigers looming. Trailing the Kittie...
More diatribe related news:
Clash of ‘civilisations’, Pakistan-style 13 Sep 2011 | 12:25 am
All political players in Karachi need to realise that their current diatribes have no basis whatsoever in their proclaimed ideologies. It does, however, have everything to do with their inherent biase...
Cocktail Sophisticates 23 Apr 2009 | 04:33 am
If you read enough of my various opinions/ravings/diatribes here, then you know my drinking predilections run toward the very simple. Not because I consider myself to be some sort of “man of the peopl...
Song and Dance 7 Mar 2012 | 07:10 pm
Sir (or Madam) This latest diatribe posted Sunday conforms to the usual Obama bashing, but not only that. This website is obsessed with US bashing. What is it about writers and blogs that are anti-A...
Here, have an angry diatribe. 14 Feb 2012 | 05:22 pm
I was pissed off when I saw that Chris Brown was performing on the Grammy Awards last night. And that Rihanna's restraining order was changed from him having to stay 50 yards away from her, to 10 yard...
Citoyennes, citoyens, libérons le pouvoir ! - Soyons tous candidats... 29 Mar 2012 | 07:58 pm
Ca ressemble à un titre de campagne, ou mieux, à une diatribe d'un candidat de front de gauche (...), mais ça n'est pas de la politique, en tout cas, pas comme la politique se fait entendre en...
De Na'ya Lune à Majipoor 24 Sep 2007 | 05:27 pm
"Lisey attendit. Elle n'avait pas préparé ce qu'elle allait dire. Encore une Règle d'Or des Landon: tu prépares ta diatribe seulement en cas de litige. Mais quand t'es vraiment furax - quand t'es part...
Californication, S01E06, Mia’s note 3 Nov 2010 | 09:04 pm
“Rome is burning, “he said, as he poured himself another drink, “Yet here I am, knee-deep in a river of pussy.” “Here it comes,” She thought, “another self-indulgent, whiskey-soaked diatribe about how...
第一个向西欧传播世俗观念和科学的其实是MSL 26 Dec 2009 | 01:05 pm
摘录《黑天鹅》,在11世纪的西欧: The eleventh-century Arabic-language skeptic Al-Ghazali, known in Latin as Algazel wrote a diatribe called Tahafut al falasifa, which I translate as "The Incompetence of Philosophy....
On the way to Venice… 6 May 2012 | 03:51 am
I’ve never been one of those travel bloggers who can write long diatribes about their flights. I never could -- “flight was ok” sums up 99% of my flights. Seriously -- nothing exciting happens. Flew ...
Gâteau roulé aux 3 châtaignes (sans lait et sans gluten) 14 Feb 2008 | 10:55 pm
Ce matin, je me sens d'humeur réactionnaire et un tantinet rebelle. Point chez moi de menu rose ni d'ingrédients aux propriétés miraculeuses! Je ne me lancerai pas non plus dans une longue diatribe an...