Most difference between url and uri related news are at:

Handy-URI-Templates 1.1.7 Released 21 Nov 2012 | 06:47 pm
Yesterday Handy URI Templates 1.1.7 was released which fixed a few uritemplate-test issues as well as some URI encoding fixes. Hat tip to tekener for those fixes. With that out of the way, I’ll be fo...
Handy-URI-Templates 1.1.7 Released 21 Nov 2012 | 06:47 pm
Yesterday Handy URI Templates 1.1.7 was released which fixed a few uritemplate-test issues as well as some URI encoding fixes. Hat tip to tekener for those fixes. With that out of the way, I’ll be foc...
More difference between url and uri related news:
Abusing Google AdWords still possible 7 Apr 2011 | 07:51 am
Where money can be earned people tend to bend the rules to earn more. Normally, using Google AdWords you’re not able to have a different display URL from the destination URL in an ad group. If you do ...
You say URL, I say URI …. 19 Mar 2010 | 02:25 am
“Is a URL a URI?” “Is a URI a URL?” “What does URL stand for?” “What does URI stand for?” “What does URL mean?” I’ve been asked so many times I’ve lost count and for the sake of my sanity, I’ve d...
How To Fix Google Plus Referrer Values In SiteCatalyst 13 Mar 2012 | 12:58 am
Recently I was looking through some traffic sources reports in SiteCatalyst, and I noticed something odd. In my Referrers report I had a bunch of different referring URL’s that were all coming from Go...
Testing permutations of configurations 12 Nov 2011 | 06:31 am
Permutations are an every day part of VZ development. Most obviously, we have three different platforms, each with different names, different base URLs, different wordings and of course different col...
Firefox adres çubuğunu daha da kullanışlı hale getirin 30 Jun 2008 | 05:34 am
Semantic (anlamsal) webin önemli unsurlarından biri de web sayfalarının URL’lerinin (URI mi deseydik acaba?) kısa, öz ve kullanıcı tarafından da anlaşılabilir olmasıdır. Bilgisayarlar açısından bir so...
Article in 21 Nov 2008 | 12:00 pm is a new blogging initiative that allows its users to run state-of-the-art blogs with tiny difference: their URLs read like complete sentences or slogans. The first jingling domain launche...
Article in 21 Nov 2008 | 07:00 am is a new blogging initiative that allows its users to run state-of-the-art blogs with tiny difference: their URLs read like complete sentences or slogans. The first jingling domain launched... 7 Jun 2013 | 03:09 pm
You will have to come up your marketing techniques to stand out from the competition. Yet, even with all the differences from[url=]affiliate marketing[/url] company to ...
jQuery Hashchange - A jQuery plugin to custom url hash (uri fragment id) values 22 Aug 2013 | 01:58 pm
Moving On 10 Mar 2012 | 11:14 am
This is where you'll find me. Hi Friend, I am moving this blog to a new URL. You can now find me at: Things will look a bit different there, but all previous content from here, a...