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More digital drugs dmt related news:
Should we treat addictive web apps like drugs? — Tech News and Analysis 26 May 2012 | 05:53 am
What if Facebookis nothing more than a digital drug dealer and we’re all just junkies? It’s a provocative stance, but it has merit. And as we head toward a future where technology is not just somethin...
Kad se “uradiš” digitalno uz malu pomoć interneta 29 Jun 2011 | 08:53 pm
Na internetu čovek stvarno može da naiđe na svakakve sadržaje. Čitajući nedavno Huffington Post zamalo se nisam onesvestila kad sam pročitala vest o “digital drugs”, kao najnovijoj i najvećoj pretećoj...
Digital Drugs – Is I-Dosing For Real? 18 Jul 2010 | 02:47 am
If you're a parent, you probably grew up in the days when marijuana was a popular drug of choice among teens. More than likely you are familiar with all the other drugs that were around when you ...
The Future of Medicine. Medicine of the Future 9 Apr 2013 | 04:10 pm
How to Cure it All: Curing all Diseases, Sicknesses, Illnesses and Injuries. How to Create Digital Designer Drugs How to Create Digital Drug Designers *** *** How to Find a Magic, Silver Bullet C...
The iPad: Gateway Drug to Digital Learning? 5 May 2010 | 10:46 pm
In my last post, What's Next in Digital Reading I explored my notion that there are three kinds of reading; extractive: immersive, and pedagogic. Extractive reading works in digital form as finding an...
10 Great Digital Photography Techniques 15 Apr 2012 | 11:57 pm
10 Great Digital Photography Techniques Digital photography has revolutionized picture taking, no more old school film and driving to the drug store and waiting for film to develop. Digital cameras a...
Anti-drug campaign using Facebook’s new Timeline 6 Jan 2012 | 05:53 am
Here is a short article to share with you a new anti-drug campaign created by McCann Digital which uses the new facebook timeline: Adam Barak’s profile. It is simple but they succeeded to use the upd...
10 Digital Photography Techniques 20 Dec 2011 | 09:06 pm
Dіgіtal photоgrаphу hаѕ revolutіonized piсturе takіng, nо morе оld ѕchoоl film and drіving to the drug store and waitіng for film to dеvеlоp. Dіgіtаl саmеrаs аllow thе рhоtоgraрhеr the luxurу оf соnсe...
Smarter contact lenses 1 Aug 2012 | 06:03 am
Via a lens digitally Researchers are including radio-powered sensors, drug-delivering systems and wi-fi electronic shows to make contact with lenses Video clip Score: four / five
Pillbox 31 Aug 2012 | 11:00 am
A digital tablet accessory can be used to help people take their tablets more carefully. Often, drugs doses are skipped, simply because they were overlooked. To convenience the fear of neglecting to r...