Most digital music distribution related news are at:

淡路恵子 ゲームでクレジット現金化!? 8 Jul 2013 | 11:25 pm
皆さんちょっと聞いてくださーい。 実は・・・1週間ほど前告られまして・・・ あたくし、お付き合いをすることに なりましたぁあああ(^▽^)v なんか久々の恋愛というやつです。 エアロビスティックやっといてよかったー ダイエットシェイク バナナ味飲んどいてよかったー 7日、13時から・・・ 買い物です♪ なーんかね、恋愛なんてしばらく縁がないと 正直思ってた 友達とタイ行ったり それ...
あこの淡路恵子 年齢 7 Jul 2013 | 09:44 am
みなさんは、 1日に何回、自分を褒めてあげていますか? 日々そんなに褒める事なんか見つからない。 甘やかす事になるのでは? と思われるかもしれません。 しかし、甘やかすのと褒めるのは全く違います! 怠けたい、逃げたい。 こんな時、理由をつけて投げ出してしまうのが、甘やかす。 それに対して、頑張った自分を労ってあげる。 これが褒めるという事です。 例えば、てんぷら定食を作った時。 「おいしい...
More digital music distribution related news:
Getting Started With Digital Music Distribution 18 Jan 2012 | 07:50 pm
Earn money by selling their music CDs and MP3 downloads has never been easier thanks to the power of the Internet. Do you have pressed a few hundred or a new CD recorded live version of his show, it i...
A Guide To Digital Music Distribution 14 Aug 2013 | 05:40 pm
The aim of this blog post is to describe the processes involved in digital distribution of music, and to help you prepare everything you need to sell your music through a distributor, also sometimes r...
Destructive reign of digital music 7 Jan 2009 | 05:46 am
Happy new year. Let’s start with a prediction: 2009 could be the year the compact disc finally dies. It could be the year lots of other things die as well — polar bears, the high street — but CDs wil...
Apple Doesn’t Want Musicians to See Secret Steve Jobs Deposition 1 May 2012 | 07:50 am
Aftermath Records, a division of Universal Music Group, is about to go to trial in a case that will determine what money is owed over digital music to producers of many hitEminem records. Meanwhile, i...
Magix Music Maker Premium: Mid-Level Musicmaking at a Modest Cost 10 Jan 2012 | 11:28 pm
German software manufacturer MAGIX AG has produced the Magix Music Maker series of digital music editors and sequencers since 1994. Currently in its 17th year of production — dubbed “MX,” which stands...
Downloaders versus the Music Industry 19 May 2012 | 12:28 am
Is it too late to find a peaceful compromise in the digital music revolution between record labels and consumers? It is not just record labels that are refusing to find a middle ground between ease of...
6-in-1 Accessory Kit for MP3/iPod w/Cassette Adapter 24 May 2012 | 02:57 am
With the help of this Sumas SM-AC6BY1 6-in-1 Accessory Kit for MP3/iPod you can listen to your digital music files in your car via an MP3 player, iPod, SD card slot or USB flash memory! The FM transmi...
What is ITunes ITunes download music 24 Sep 2011 | 02:46 am
What is ITunes ITunes download music iTunes download on your Mac, PC, iPod, and iPhone and play it. : It is a program created by Apple, which helps the user to play his or her digital music and any ...
Beats By Dre Studio Red Sox Edition 29 May 2012 | 03:23 pm
Dr Dre Headphones is becoming more and more loved by everyone.You can use a Monster Beats to reveal the full sound of today's digital music including the most sonically demanding Rock, Pop, Hip Hop an...
Amazon Ahead Of Apple Launched The Cloud Music Service 19 Jan 2012 | 11:17 pm
Amazon ahead of the competitors Apple and Google unveiled a cloud music service – Cloud Player, the service even can contend with streaming music site Pandora, and bring more digital music sales. Ama...