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J. Mascis - Not Enough 6 Jun 2011 | 11:21 pm
Une petite chanson sympa comme Mascis sait les faire, quelques feutres et un petit coup de crayon pour illustrer le premier single de l'album du leader adulescent de Dinosaur Jr.... Quelques fois, le ...
Start Choppin’ by Dinosaur Jr. 14 Jul 2011 | 04:10 am
This song is inseparable for me from an early-’90s weekend I housesat on East Fifth Street between A and B for Daniel Fidler, who I worked with at SPIN magazine. (I was a 17-year-old intern, he was in...
Buffalo Tom - Sleepy Eyed (1995) 8 Dec 2010 | 07:43 am
Put Sleepy Eyed in your CD player, hit play, and prepare to be amazed -- "Tangerine," the lead-off cut, signals the brief but welcome return of "Dinosaur Jr. Jr." with two-and-three-quarters minutes o...
1991 – The Year Punk Broke 16 Feb 2011 | 10:28 pm
______________________________________________ Leider immernoch nicht auf DVD veröffentlicht: Die Reportage The Year Punk Broke von David Markey, der Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr. und Nirvana auf ihrer l...
News: Dinosaur Jr to release new album ‘I Bet On Sky’ on Sept 17th 2012 14 Jun 2012 | 05:01 am
I Bet on Sky is the first Dinosaur Jr. album since their 2009 ‘Farm’, and the third since the original trio – J Mascis, Lou Barlow and Murph – reformed in 2005. It marks the band’s 10th studio album s...
Don’t Pretend You Didn’t Know 20 Sep 2012 | 08:16 am
Ok look, I hate the new blogger interface but I fucking love Dinosaur Jr. Like, even if I had the time or the energy or the goddamn wherewithal to muster a proper review-like-thing for I Bet on Sky, i...
Remix von Phoenix – Entertainment 19 Mar 2013 | 07:31 pm
Phoenix aktuelle Single “Entertainment” ist grad neu und schon auseinander gepflückt worden. Übeltäter ist niemand geringerer als die Jungs von der Independent-Band Dinosaur Jr. Den Track gibt‘s derz...
1000 Gram-Tour 8 May 2013 | 03:34 pm
1000 Gram will go on tour to present their album “Ken Sent Me”. They are a bit louder on stage than on the album. Friends of Dinosaur Jr and Yo La Tengo will get one’s jollies. But all the others too....
DINOSAUR JR. - YOU'RE LIVING ALL OVER ME (1987) 14 May 2013 | 11:21 pm
I Dinosaur Jr. hanno una discografia infinita che va dal noise rock all'alternative, passando per tutti i generi che rientrano nell'indie. E' un mesetto o più che mi sono imbarcato nell'impresa di asc...
Dinosaur Jr After Party On Sale! 21 May 2013 | 06:35 pm
Tickets are on sale for Dinosaur Jr’s official Gov Ball After Party. The show takes place at Irving Plaza in Union Square, which is a quick trip from Randall’s Island off the 4, 5, 6 Subway Line. Get ...