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Beacons Festival 2013 – Day Two Recap 27 Aug 2013 | 07:51 am
More Click here for photos of Beacons Festival sights in the QRO Concert Photo Gallery With a spectacular setting surrounded by hills just outside Skipton, on the fringes of the Yorkshire dales, the...
Bingley Music Live 2013 Preview 27 Aug 2013 | 05:40 am
England is littered with music festivals every summer (QRO U.K. Festival Guide), but bang for your buck, you can’t do much better than West Yorkshire’s Bingley Music Live, happening Friday to Sunday, ...
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Don’t Pretend You Didn’t Know 20 Sep 2012 | 08:16 am
Ok look, I hate the new blogger interface but I fucking love Dinosaur Jr. Like, even if I had the time or the energy or the goddamn wherewithal to muster a proper review-like-thing for I Bet on Sky, i...
DINOSAUR JR. - YOU'RE LIVING ALL OVER ME (1987) 14 May 2013 | 11:21 pm
I Dinosaur Jr. hanno una discografia infinita che va dal noise rock all'alternative, passando per tutti i generi che rientrano nell'indie. E' un mesetto o più che mi sono imbarcato nell'impresa di asc...