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Dinu Lazar. Destinul unei fotografii. 12 Oct 2010 | 10:06 am
[Show as slideshow] [View with PicLens] 1234► Cu totul intamplator, si banal, l-am (re)descoperit pe Dinu Lazar. Nu il pot numi fotograf, pentru ca a depasit cu mult granitele acestui statut. In or...
Dinu Lazar. Destinul unei fotografii. 12 Oct 2010 | 06:06 am
Cu totul intamplator, si banal, l-am (re)descoperit pe Dinu Lazar. Nu il pot numi fotograf, pentru ca a depasit cu mult granitele acestui statut. In orice caz, nu inteleg de ce nimeni nu vorbeste desp...
2013 Draft Blog: Curtis Lazar Pt.4 13 Jun 2013 | 12:00 pm
- We have had the good fortune this season to have Edmonton Oil Kings forward Curtis Lazar blogging for us. Every two or three months he has summed up chunks of the year to let fans behind the curtai...
thanks for the love! 10 Oct 2009 | 07:18 am
Today VIX was featured on the Philly UCD’s blog, Break My Routine. Thanks so much to Samantha Lazar for the swell writeup!
Susiya: Standing up to the Bulldozers 26 Jun 2012 | 01:14 am
Photo Blog by Lazar Simeonov More than 400 Palestinian, foreign and Israeli activists gathered on Friday 22 June 2012 in Susiya, a small village in the south of the West Bank, to protest against Isra...
2013 Draft Blog: Eamon McAdam Pt.5 20 Jun 2013 | 05:00 pm
- Our season of guest player blogs is nearing its end. Curtis Lazar wrapped his series of entries up last week and now it's time for Eamon McAdam to do the same. We've had a lot of players blog with...
Allie Lazar, Food Blogger & Writer 17 Jul 2013 | 07:27 pm
Q&A with the author of the Pick Up The Fork blog [Photo courtesy of Allie Lazar] Originally from Chicago in the United States, Allie Lazar has lived in Buenos Aires for nearly seven years. She is a ...
Ezzel bukott le Lázár, Szijjártó és Kövér 20 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Eddig adni szoktunk, most kérünk – egy percet Olvasóink életéből. Orbán Viktor kiakadt az Egyenlítő blog miatt egy kongresszuson. Nem csoda, hiszen mindig a Fidesz nyomában vagyunk, és fényt derítünk...