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More dirt track digest related news: 8 Aug 2009 | 07:37 am
As you all know I am trying hard to divert Derek's attention to racing. Any racing will do....Nascar or Dirt Track. Wednesday we found out about a local track in our area that Kasey Kahne would be hol...
Gambar Harley-Davidson XR1200X 2012 28 Apr 2012 | 05:55 am
In 2009, Harley-Davidson introduced a limited number of XR1200 motorcycles (750) to the USA, the roadster based upon the legendary dirt-track bike, the XR750. The following year, the XR1200 was relea...
Motocross: The Ultimate Off Road Sport 17 Feb 2012 | 02:00 pm
Motocross is a type of adrenaline pumping racing sport that uses modified motorcycles on enclosed off road circuits. Motorcycles outfitted for off road racing barrel down dirt tracks that feature buil...
Cambodia - Red Spokes 19 Dec 2007 | 07:23 am
Good morning Cambodia. Route 13 ends in a fantastic red dirt track just before the Cambodian border, love cycling on red dirt. Bye bye Laos, love you lots, hello Cambodia, who are you? Moving on, the ...
Guest Column: Why Doesn’t The Quick-Change Get Any Respect? 31 May 2012 | 04:04 am
In this month’s guest column, we visit an often debated subject in dirt track racing – Whether or not quick-change rear-ends actually save teams money. Our guest this month is Tiger Rear-Ends‘ Ashlee ...
BMX Bikes 10 Nov 2011 | 12:38 pm
BMX stands for Bicycle Motocross and it was a sport that grew to prominence in California during the mid-1970s before spreading to the rest of the world. Originally the races took place on dirt tracks...
Câtă ipocrizie! 7 Jun 2012 | 01:54 pm
Doamne, câtă prefăcătorie! Consiliul Judeţean, adică Gheorghe Bunea Stancu, s-a băgat printre organizatorii din acest an ai Cupei MACEC la dirt-track. De ce? Pentru că această competiţie de nivel euro...
Tony Stewart racing at Fonda Speedway ( NY ) ~ Thurs July 19th 12 Jul 2012 | 11:55 pm
Fonda Speedway management has announced that next Thursday night, July 19, reigning NASCAR Sprint Cup champion Tony Stewart will race a super sprint car at the dirt track just 50 minutes east of Utica...
Port-A-Cool U.S. National Dirt Track Championship to be held Sept. 13-15 6 Sep 2012 | 07:49 pm
The Port-A-Cool® U.S. National Dirt Track Championship at Texas Motor Speedway’s Dirt Track will take place Friday-Saturday, September 13-15, 2012. The ASCS 360 Sprint cars series is making it's way ...
Chris Brown Big Winner at Port-A-Cool Dirt Track Championships 27 Sep 2012 | 12:21 am
by Leon Aldridge Port-A-Cool, LLC, Director of Marketing The number three played a big role September 14-15 at the Port-A-Cool U.S. Nationals Dirt Track Championship for both Modified winner Chris Br...