Most disable autosave and revisions related news are at:

A Flock of Souls 14 Jan 2012 | 11:46 pm
We all share the same Flow: Destiny and Time!
A Flock of Souls 14 Jan 2012 | 06:46 pm
We all share the same Flow: Destiny and Time!
More disable autosave and revisions related news:
WordPress 3.6 Released 1 Aug 2013 | 06:13 am
WordPress 3.6 Released As of August 1st, 2013, WordPress 3.6 has landed on our dashboards! The new release, named ‘Oscar’, features a powerful new autosave, post revisions, and a new post-locking sy...
WordPress 3.6 Released 1 Aug 2013 | 06:13 am
WordPress 3.6 Released As of August 1st, 2013, WordPress 3.6 has landed on our dashboards! The new release, named ‘Oscar’, features a powerful new autosave, post revisions, and a new post-locking sy...
[Article Update] - PRB: Error Message: Could not create Autosave directory. Autosave will be disabled 8 Nov 2006 | 05:49 pm
An article that provides a solution to an Autosave error related to limited user accounts on Windows.
[Article Update] - PRB: Error Message: Could not rename Autosave file. Autosave will be disabled 8 Nov 2006 | 03:40 pm
An article that provides a solution to an Autosave error related to limited user accounts on Windows.
MXKEY v3.5 revision 1.9, Public-Release 30 Mar 2012 | 01:49 pm
v3.5 revision 1.9, Public-Release changes: - Main added: Option to disable USB host warning message (Options->General Settings, check "Do not show USB HCD Error Messages") added: USB Device List ...
MXBOX v3.5 revision 1.9 30 Mar 2012 | 03:10 pm
v3.5 revision 1.9, Public-Release Changes: Main - added: Option to disable USB host warning message (Options->General Settings, check "Do not show USB HCD Error Messages") - added: USB Device List w...
Désactiver la gestion des révisions d’articles 9 Jan 2011 | 09:28 am
Ajouter la ligne suivante dans le fichier de config : wp-config.php /* disable post-revisioning nonsense */ define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', FALSE); ça permet de gagner de la place dans la base de donné...
How to Disable, Limit and Delete Wordpress Revision 15 Oct 2010 | 12:00 pm
Wordpress is rich feature blog platform. But, not all its feature is nice (for me) especially WordPress Revisions feature. It just waste my DB space. The feature will saves a copy of your post or page...
How To Disable Post Revisions in WordPress 22 Feb 2010 | 01:35 pm
Since WordPress 2.6, everytime you save a post, it is saved as a revision. All previous revisions are also saved. So, 10 revisions to a post will end up with 11 posts in the database. If you don’t nee...
Saints Row 3 Cheats (Xbox 360) 16 Nov 2011 | 01:11 pm
Here are the Saints Row 3 cheat codes we currently have for Xbox 360. Warning: achievements are disabled after entering cheats. Additionally, autosave is disabled to prevent accidental saving, but you...