Most disable facebook theater effect related news are at:

How To Uninstall Apps On Samsung Galaxy S4 4 Jun 2013 | 07:48 am
Having apps on your Galaxy S4 is amazing but sometimes you would like free up some memory on your device by uninstalling apps. You can uninstall apps in the following two methods on Galaxy S4. Method ...
How To Send Photos/Videos in MMS Text Messages On Samsung Galaxy S4 2 Jun 2013 | 10:33 am
You must be aware of what is MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) text message. If you are looking to send MMS text message to your friend from your Samsung Galaxy S4 and want to attach some pictures an...
More disable facebook theater effect related news:
How To Disable Theater Mode In Facebook Photo Viewer 6 May 2012 | 04:24 pm
Don’t want the new theater mode of Facebook photo viewer? Ever want to disable it but don’t know why? Try FB PhotoTheater Killer It’s a Mozilla Firefox Add-On by Sujith Kumar. Just follow the link usi...
Facebook 23 Jan 2013 | 07:56 pm
After installing AdBlock I find I can no longer access FaceBook, despite all attempts to disable it for the site, re-launching the browser, resetting the router etc etc. With immediate effect, and bas...