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國立中央大學軟體中心誠徵博士後研究員或【研發替代役】博士後研究員 26 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
【任職單位】中央大學資訊工程學系/軟體中心(Software Research Center) 【職 缺】博士後研究員1名(2013/9 後1至3年) 【學歷資格】資訊電機等相關工程科系博士。需熟悉程式撰寫,對於作業系統核心有一定程度了解,而且對於虛擬化技術有興趣。 【專長領域】須具備下任一領域的研究經驗:網路安全、網路通訊協定 【工作項目】博士後研究員需參與國科會深耕計畫相關研究與系統開發 【...
營建管理新風潮 「兩岸BIM教育論壇」菁英薈萃 26 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
來自中國大陸16所高校、17位優秀學生這個暑假踏上寶島台灣,參與中央大學營建管理研究所主辦的「2013兩岸BIM教育論壇」。 BIM(Building Information Modeling建築資訊模型)是目前全世界在建築、土木與營建等領域,蔚為風潮的觀念與新工具,有助於工程績效與生活福祉的提升,而備受矚目。 這股BIM新風潮也逐漸在中大萌芽,目前營管所由楊智斌教授開設BIM相關課程,並有前...
More disc related news:
How to copy a Blu-ray disc using BD Rebuilder 24 May 2011 | 03:35 am
With the transition to the high definition format the Blu-ray discs were introduced as the optical disc of choice for movie distribution. However even though a BD-50 Blu-ray disc can hold up to 50GB o...
How to rip Blu-ray to MKV with H264 video and DTS-HD audio using Staxrip 30 Mar 2011 | 01:34 am
Staxrip is certainly one of the best converting programs I have used, and it is among the tools I recommend to users for ripping a DVD. Of course it can also handle Blu-ray discs and it excels at this...
How to burn a Blu-ray or AVCHD video disc using ImgBurn 16 Mar 2011 | 10:34 pm
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application from the creator of DVD Decrypter. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin t...
How to burn a DVD-Video disc using ImgBurn 25 Feb 2011 | 02:16 am
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin to CDs and DVDs but as the years pa...
How to rip a Blu-ray disc and remux it to MKV 19 Feb 2011 | 12:11 pm
This article will guide you through the steps of ripping a Blu-ray disc, demux it and then remux it to mkv format. This way you will get a huge, but unprotected, easy to use and store mkv file that co...
How to rip Blu-ray to MKV with H264 video and 5.1 audio using Ripbot264 10 Feb 2011 | 11:00 am
This article will guide you through the process of creating a high definition backup of your Blu-ray discs using the MKV container and the x264 encoder, including 5.1 audio and subtitles. That way you...
Instruction for Prospects Travelling in The european union 24 May 2012 | 11:36 am
Traveling by just car during Europe may be fun or maybe boring, according to the location the place one discs. During vacation seasons for instance August, innumerable Europeans drive their loved ones...
How to Backup Computer files to disc or external drive 30 Nov 2011 | 05:15 am
Computer technology is a wonderful thing until the day that you lose all your files and you do not have a back up. You might think that this scenario may never happen to you, but it only takes your PC...
Aiseesoft Blu-ray to iPod Ripper for Mac 6 Jan 2011 | 01:00 pm
The best option to handle with Blu-ray disc.
Welded butterfly valve 9 Oct 2011 | 08:51 pm
Welded butterfly valve (Welded butterfly valve) Butterfly Principle: disc plate freely within the 90 ° rotation in order to achieve open and close or adjust the media flow purposes. Welded butterfly...