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Adopting An Embyro 27 Aug 2013 | 06:38 pm
by Brendan James Sarah Elizabeth Richards describes the process of embryo donation, a trend that’s on the rise despite its emotional toll on parents: In theory, embryo donation seems like the ideal ...
When Childhood Classics Aren’t Innocent, Ctd 27 Aug 2013 | 06:06 pm
by Chris Bodenner A reader reminds us of a popular and now-controversial classic: Here’s an Oscar-winning film that Disney has tried to flush down the memory hole for years: 1946′s “Song of the Sout...
More dish andrew sullivan related news:
Andrew Sullivan falls back into the tank 19 Jan 2012 | 07:27 am
Andrew Sullivan's Newsweek cover story has rightly been getting quite a bit of press. Among others, Conor Friedersdorf had an excellent global rebuttal of Sullivan's piece. But here's mine, which I w...
Gadflies and Choristers: An Open Letter to Andrew Sullivan 19 Feb 2012 | 04:16 am
Dear Andrew, I was thrilled to have the chance to meet you this week, at fundraisers for Immigration Equality (a fantastic organisation, by the way, doing brave and necessary work to overturn cruel a...
Testimony of Andrew Sullivan Regarding the Investigation of Miles Jesu 17 Oct 2011 | 07:53 pm
Former General Secretary Exposes Rogue "Religious Congregation" Phoenix, AZ, October 10, 2011, --A former General Secretary sheds light on the Vatican backed investigation of Miles Jesu. In June 2007...
ABORT 4 Jun 2009 | 11:02 am
Andrew Sullivan has been one of the most vocal advocates of a moderate, nuanced “appreciation of the shades-of-gray” approach to abortion policy, but he maybe should have hired a girl intern to screen...
Answers For Glenn Greenwald; Yes, We Are At War 2 Oct 2010 | 08:40 pm
Answers For Glenn Greenwald; Yes, We Are At War - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Human Development and the US-Mexico Border 5 Aug 2010 | 11:15 am
Andrew Sullivan links to a map from the 2009 Human Development Report, which uses HDI, the Human Development Index, as a measure of the general level of development for jurisdictions on both sides of ...
Andrew Sullivan Learns That Unrequited Love Hurts – UPDATED 1 Apr 2011 | 05:00 am
Crossed from That’s What She Said: (see also “Update” below) Oh dear. I can just picture him scrawling madly in his tear-stained diary: It’s so surreal, so discordant with what the president has to...
Well Sod Them to Hades 21 Apr 2011 | 03:22 am
Stephen Fry (and me) have a message: To all the language police: “Go to hell!” Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan Want more? This is your brain on Shakespeare.
Another Day, Another Vicious Liberal Attack on Sarah Palin 22 Apr 2010 | 02:31 pm
Writing in The Atlantic, Andrew Sullivan launches into a nasty attack on Sarah Palin because she declined his request for an interview. Claiming that Palin avoids media scrutiny by hiding behind an ex...
The Iran Election & Michael Jackson 28 Jun 2009 | 03:40 am
The Iranian election conflict… set to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” — (hat tip to Andrew Sullivan at