Most disinformation related news are at:

The Incan Empire: Wealth Without Money 27 Aug 2013 | 01:36 pm
For students of economics and ancient civilizations alike, the strange economy of the Incan Empire is fascinating. Annalee Newitz writes for io9: In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Inca Em...
“I’m not sure if Lemmy will ever die.” – An Interview with Tim “Ripper” Owens 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
As I passed through the swinging door following Tim “Ripper” Owens and Don Jamieson through the kitchen and to the upstairs office of Ripper’s Rock House I couldn’t help but have a Spinal Tap moment. ...
More disinformation related news:
Nazis! Dead Babies! Death Panels! Forced Circumcision! The Right Wing Disinformation Scam That's Killing Health Care: A Special Report 4 Sep 2009 | 10:19 am
Today's Big Lie: Behind the Health Care Scare Disinformation Campaign 1 Sep 2009 | 05:43 am
Today's Big Lies: This one is plural. Really plural. It concerns a widely circulated email that is making its way through the Internet. The only problem with it, according to , a projec...
Senator Harkin’s Disinformation Letter 14 Apr 2012 | 08:39 am
A constituent of U.S. Senator Tom Harkin finally received a reply five months after her initial letter and fax to Senator Harkin about MEDEVAC operations in Afghanistan. Despite the date on the Senato...
25 Rules of Disinformation 27 Dec 2011 | 11:28 am
From Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation (Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist) by H. Michael Sweeney. These 25 rules are everywhere in media, from political deba...
R. David Pogge, Christian Creationist Charlatan 16 Apr 2010 | 11:23 am
Over on one of the many cesspools of ignorance and disinformation, '', Ol' Do-While himself, David Pogge, software engineer and 'expert' on all things having to do with evol... - cesspool of (purposeful?) disinformation 21 Jan 2009 | 02:06 am
I was reading through a creation/evolution discussion board recerntly and the website came up. Creationsafaris is the baby of David Coppedge, a computer scientist employed by NASA,...
Disinformation attack 13 Dec 2005 | 03:48 am
Last week's Los Angeles Times broke a story about the Lincoln Group. According to the article, the U.S. Military has been contracting with the Lincoln Group to get the good word about the war in Iraq ...
Getting hot in here... 4 Feb 2011 | 02:01 pm
Nope, sadly no flaxen-haired maidens are dancing round any maypoles in this place (as far as I know). However, war of the potential disinformation-agents in underway. Activist Post carries a story f...
Radioactive Fallout…Really? 20 Mar 2011 | 10:19 am
To be honest with you… I am hearing Hoax more than I am hearing "End of Days". I really have not been able to corroborate or fully refute the media disinformation ie: the radiation reaching the Weste...
The only heated chairlift seats in the Czech Rep. 18 Nov 2010 | 06:12 am
The only heated chairlift seats in the Czech Rep You keep asking us about our heated four-seat chait lift. To prevent disinformation, here are some facts: Those seats truely are heated (as the only o...