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Chinese Boy Born with a Mask-Like Face 25 Jul 2010 | 10:45 pm
A Chinese boy born one year ago in Shanghai has a rare transverse facial cleft - his skull has a large horizontal section missing. It looks really creepy but the worst thing is that if the corrective ...
Tutorial: A Photomanip Journal, Part 2 18 May 2011 | 11:09 am
In Part 2, we'll create the mask on the right from the image itself. This will allow us to have a new view out the window. In Part Two, we’ll remove the window panes, so to speak, to give our lady in...
How to Securely Prepare Your Old Computer for Disposal 25 Mar 2008 | 10:31 pm
Don't just throw away or give away your old computer. Even if you delete your files or reformat it, your data still lives somewhere on your hard disk. This guide shows you how you can securely prepare...
Recycle 10 Oct 2011 | 06:19 pm
Johannesburg – Recycling needs to be more accessible as a way to dispose of waste, Deputy Water Affairs Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi said. “As we know, we are running out of landfill space and most o...
MacBook Touch 30 Mar 2012 | 07:30 am
MacBook Touch Le designer Olivier Terrise a publié une vidéo d'un concept relativement intéressant d'un MacBook Touch. Ce modèle dispose d'une charnière centrale semi-rigide qui évolue sur 360°. L'ut...
Eternal pain 27 May 2012 | 02:16 am
Oh my aching head! please get out of my brain Numb mind and throbbing veins I wander in darkness yet again Trying to be normal I put a mask but unwilling to let go is my strain Either you go or ...
Standing Tall 1 Sep 2011 | 04:34 am
The face of crowd Depressed, humiliated A face from the crowd Spirited, agitated Mask of silence It's not good enough to wish for dreams It's not always wise to have eyes closed, fingers entwi...
Dynamic Masking using Tweener 6 Oct 2007 | 06:25 pm
Here’s a little experiment I did inspired by the new Adidas site. I totally loved their masking technique - Here’s my take: You need the Flash Player to view this. DOWNLOAD SOURCE (more…)
Vêtements de maternité : pourquoi pas d'occasion ? 8 Aug 2011 | 02:59 am
Les vêtements de maternité coûtent souvent cher. Lorsqu'on dispose de peu de moyens financiers, pourquoi ne pas les acheter d'occasion
Fréquence Ram + Procc sur P8P67 EVO 28 Jan 2012 | 07:15 am
Salut, je dispose d'un i7 2600k + P8P67 EVO (avec dernier bios à jour) + 2x4g Corsair vengeance en PC 1600 Mon problème est que sous Windows ma ram est reconnu en PC 1333, j'ai essayer pas mal d...