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When It Comes To Renewable Energy Sources, The US Is Lagging 10 Oct 2011 | 04:59 pm
Image via Wikipedia Oftentimes, when talking about Renewable Energy Sources, it is not a good idea to think of it in isolated terms. If you reside in America, you may have a distorted view of what i...
"National Dialogue" Masks Foreign Interference In Yemen 6 Mar 2013 | 05:40 am
UN envoy Jamal Benomar presents a distorted view of Yemen's situation and the GCC's power-sharing agreement via a Saudi daily: "The Yemenis have done this without any foreign dictates." To be fair to...
Why the Good of Today are the Homeless of Tomorrow 17 Apr 2013 | 09:50 pm
There’s a disturbing trend going on, and I don’t think you realize how it much it will affect your creative career. Most (digital) creatives, including me, have a distorted view on how creating good ...
Frog – Frog 27 Aug 2013 | 02:52 pm
It’s funny how, particularly on the internet, it’s so easy to get caught in these little whirlpools of self-reinforcing mutual agreement and in doing so end up with a completely distorted view of rea...
Is Your Dog The Brightest Canine in Britain? 29 Jul 2013 | 04:17 pm
Humans quite often have a distorted view of how intelligent a dog might be, dogs do of course have a certain amount of intelligence, but many people have an anthropomorphic approach to their pets by e...
XtremeZone Home Page 23 Jul 2010 | 06:34 am
Note: If you cannot view this page properly, go to Tools or View tab. and click on compatibility XtremeZone is an adventure sports pioneer in India and offers consumers, experiences in the alternativ...
Joomla 1.7 Page Title Wrong in Single Article View 5 Nov 2011 | 08:28 am
We hit an interesting little snag last week while using Joomla 1.7 - let me say from the off that we've followed Joomla 1.7 development, at a distance. We haven't had many clients come to us who had a...
Implementing the MVC Design Pattern in ASP.NET... 27 May 2010 | 03:30 pm
Design patterns can help solve complex design problems if they are properly used. The main advantage of using the Model-View-Control (MVC) pattern is decoupling the business and the presentation layer...
100 Million View Concert 9 Dec 2011 | 02:37 pm
Featured client… Tribute ML organizes large events. FLV Hosting provides video delivery for Tribute ML. Tribute produces global media campaigns harnessing the power of entertainment for good causes. ...
MapleStory Mercedes Skills + Skill Build 19 Aug 2011 | 11:16 am
Click here to view latest MapleStory Mercedes Skill Build Guide!